[UAI] Open Meeting for a Formal Organisation for the Constraint Programming Community

From: Ian Miguel (ianm@cs.york.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Nov 19 2001 - 07:02:09 PST

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                            OPEN MEETING
                               on a
                        FORMAL ORGANIZATION
                              for the

                          Nov. 26, 2001
                  Coral Beach Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus
                        (during CP 2001)


    The Constraint Programming (CP) community is a stable
    and very active group of researchers, developers,
    students, and professors, who carry on research
    activity over the many fields which are involved in
    the constraint programming area.

    Until now, this group of people and research activities
    has evolved in a very informal and self-organizing way, with
    the help of the CP Organizing Committee for issues related to
    the annual international conference.

    Since the community is reasonably strong and increasing
    in size, we think that it is time to think about a move
    towards a more formal organization, which can take care
    of both the administrative, economic, and research
    issues involved in all the events related to community,
    and also of the dissemination and promotion of the CP
    results within and outside the CP community.

    This open meeting is the opportunity to discuss together
    this very important issue. We will outline the main options
    that have been considered until now, pointing out their
    pros and cons, and everybody will have the chance to
    give feedback and to contribute to the discussion.

    Note that this meeting is not intended to end with a decision,
    but with a better understanding of the feelings of the
    community members about the different options.
    This is essential if we want to move to a formal
    organization which will provide the CP community
    with the tools it desires to grow even stronger and larger,
    and have a greater impact in other areas as well.

    We hope to see many of you in Cyprus at this meeting,
    and we look forward to a fruitful discussion about this issues.
    We also welcome e-mail opinions and/or questions about
    the status of the discussion from those of you who will
    not be able to come to the meeting: just send your messages to
    Francesca Rossi (frossi@math.unipd.it).

    The CP OC subcommittee on the CP formal organization
    Francesca Rossi (chair)
    Alan Borning
    Alex Brodsky
    Eugene Freuder (chair of the CP OC)
    Michael Maher
    Toby Walsh

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