[UAI] CFP: Special Issue on Online, Interactive, Anytime Data Mining

From: Mohammed Zaki (zaki@badr.cs.rpi.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 26 2001 - 07:40:57 PST

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    SIGKDD Explorations

    Special Issue on Online, Interactive, Anytime Data Mining

    Guest Editor: Mohammed J. Zaki

    SIGKDD Explorations is the official newsletter of ACM's Special
    Interest Group (SIG) on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. This
    special issue (Volume 3, Issue 2) will focus on the
    topic of Online, Interactive, Anytime Data Mining.

    Discovering interesting nuggets in large databases can be very compute
    and I/O intensive. This high computational cost may be acceptable
    when the database is static since the discovery is done off-line, and
    several approaches to this problem have been presented in the
    literature. However, many domains with streaming data, such as
    electronic commerce, web mining, stock analysis, intrusion detection,
    fault monitoring, etc., impose time and memory constraints on the
    mining process. In such domains, where the databases are updated
    continuously and user interactions modify the search parameters,
    running the discovery program from scratch is unfeasible, and having
    the user wait inordinately long is unacceptable. Hence, there is a
    need for techniques that can effectively mine or handle:
        i) streaming data (online updations/deletions),
        ii) user interactions (modifying/constraining the search space),
        iii) anytime response (partial/approximate results).

    We invite high quality submissions on any of the above topics for this
    special issue. Submissions should be made to the guest editor at
    zaki@cs.rpi.edu. Submissions will be reviewed by the guest editor,
    external reviewers and/or associate editors as appropriate.

    The previous issues of the SIGKDD Explorations are available online at
    http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/explorations/index.htm. SIGKDD Explorations
    newsletter is sent to the ACM SIGKDD membership and to a world-wide
    network of libraries.

    Submissions can be made in any one of the following categories.
        - survey/tutorial articles (short) on important topics not
          exceeding 20 pages
        - topical articles on problems and challenges
        - well-articulated position papers
        - technical articles not exceeding 15 pages.
        - news items on the order of 1-3 paragraphs
        - Brief announcements not exceeding 5 lines in length.
        - review articles of products and methodologies not exceeding 20
        - reviews/summaries from conferences, panels and special meetings.
        - reports on relevant meetings and committees related to the field

    Important Dates:
    Submission --- December 7th, 2001
    Notification --- January 4th, 2002
    Camera Ready --- January 11th, 2002

    Some words about the SIGKDD newsletter:
    - ---------------------------------------
    SIGKDD Explorations is a bi-annual newsletter dedicated to serve the
    SIGKDD membership and community. Our goal is to make SIGKDD
    Explorations a very informative, rapid publication, and interesting
    forum for communicating with SIGKDD community.

    For more information on SIGKDD visit http://www.acm.org/sigkdd and for
    more information on the SIGKDD Explorations newsletter, please visit

    Mohammed Zaki, Guest Editor

    Usama Fayyad, Editor-in-Chief

    Sunita Sarawagi, Associate Editor

    Paul Bradley, Associate Editor

    Mohammed J. Zaki                 | Phone: 518-276-6340 (O)
    Assistant Professor              |        518-272-6478 (H)
    Department of Computer Science   | Fax: 518-276-4033
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | Email: zaki@cs.rpi.edu
    Troy NY 12180-3590               | WebPage: www.cs.rpi.edu/~zaki
    Wa La Ghalib Il'Allah -- Inscription in AlHambra, Grenada, Spain

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