[UAI] ICML2002 Call for Proposals for Tutorials

From: ICML 2002 (icml2002@cse.unsw.edu.au)
Date: Mon Dec 03 2001 - 18:40:00 PST

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    Call for Tutorial Proposals
    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2002)

      The ICML-2002 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be
      presented at the Nineteenth International Conference on Machine Learning
      (ICML-2002). ICML-2002 tutorials will be held on the first day of the
      conference, 9 Jluy, at the University of New South Wales, the site of all
      ICML events. Anyone interested in presenting a tutorial at the conference
      should submit a proposal as outlined below.

      ICML tutorials will provide conference participants with an opportunity
      to learn about important advances in the science and practice of machine
      learning. Tutorials will cover both recent advances that are of broad
      interest, and more mature topics that may be unfamiliar to a significant
      portion of the field. Tutorials are included in the registration fees of
      all participants, and will be an integral part of the conference. Each
      tutorial will last two hours.


      We seek tutorial proposals on core techniques and areas of knowledge that
      should be broadly known within the machine learning community. We are
      interested in tutorials that summarize recent technical advances in a
      core area of machine learning or that summarize techniques recently
      introduced from other fields. We are also interested in tutorials that
      educate the community about more mature techniques from machine learning
      and statistics that are still unfamiliar to part of the community.
      Finally, we are interested in tutorials that present basic knowledge
      necessary to bridge the gap between machine learning and another field of
      science that could offer unique technical insights or opportunities for
      innovative applications of machine learning.


      Proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate the quality
      and importance of the topic, the likely quality of the presentation
      materials, and the speakers' teaching ability. We encourage tutorials
      taught by two-person teams because the added perspective of a second
      presenter can provide richer, more balanced coverage of an area.

      Proposals should be 3-5 pages long and contain at least the following

         * Description -- A short paragraph summarizing the topic of the

         * Goal -- Who is the target audience? What will the audience learn?
            Why do they need to know it?

         * Prerequisites -- What knowledge are audience members assumed to
            have before entering the tutorial?

         * Content -- Detailed outline of the topics to be presented. If
            possible, provide samples of past tutorial slides or teaching

         * Presenters -- The name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail
            address, and webpage of each presenter. In addition, indicate
            presenters' background in the tutorial area.

    Submission Deadlines

               1 March 2002 Proposals due

              15 March 2002 Notification of acceptance

              29 March 2002 Abstracts due

                31 May 2002 Tutorial notes due

      Proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial chair and members of the
      organizing committee. Please submit electronic submissions in text,
      PostScript or PDF to:

           Tatjana Zrimec

    Additional Information

      For additional information, see the conference web site:


      which will provide additional details as they become available. If you
      have questions about ICML-2002, please send electronic mail to

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