From: Russ Greiner (greiner@cs.ualberta.ca)
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 11:27:33 PST

  • Next message: Peter Lucas: "[UAI] CfP: ECAI 2002 WS - IDAMAP 2002"

    The International Society for Computational Biology

                   ISMB02 -- the 10th International Conference on
                      Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
                                   Edmonton, Canada

    The ISMB-2002 Conference provides a general forum for disseminating the
    latest developments in bioinformatics. It is a multidisciplinary conference
    that brings together scientists from molecular biology, medicine, computer
    science, mathematics and statistics. Its scope includes the development
    and application of advanced computational methods for biological problems
    at the levels of sequences, cells, organs, and organisms.

    The conference will feature original, refereed papers, which will be published
    as a supplementary issue of Bioinformatics and indexed in the Medline
    database. As in previous years, there will also be introductory tutorials,
    posters, software demonstrations, a job fair, and an exhibition of hardware
    and software vendors.

    Key dates:
       Paper submission deadline: 22/Jan/02
       Poster submission deadline: 25/Mar/02
       Meeting: 3-7/Aug/02

    ISMB will be co-located with several other major conferences in the
    related fields of artificial intelligence, database design and data-mining;
    (AAAI/IAAI-2002, KDD-2002, UAI-2002, ...);
    for details.

    ISMB is sponsored by the
       International Society of Computational Biology

    For more information, please see

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