cfp[UAI] : Inductive Modelling Conference ICIM'2002

From: Alexey Ivakhnenko (
Date: Fri Dec 14 2001 - 10:37:58 PST

  • Next message: Yukio Osawa: "[UAI] Deadline Extended - Special Issue on Chance Discovery, from the NGC journal"


           I International Conference on INDUCTIVE MODELLING

                                        May 20-25, 2002
                                            Lviv, Ukraine

                   Submission deadline: February 20, 2002

    The I International Conference on Inductive Modelling (ICIM-2002) will
    present the latest high-quality results in the growing field of inductive
    methods in data mining and forecasting, pattern recognition and parallel
    computing. Inductive modelling is an important area, based on sorting
    methods of artificial intelligence problems solution. The aim of the
    Conference is to bring together leading scientists, researchers and
    experts from different areas, who can make significant contribution
    to development and better understanding of inductive modelling methods.

    Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
     - Principles and theoretical foundations of inductive modelling.
     - Data mining, laws extracting and knowledge discovery.
     - Parallel computing
     - Time series analysis and forecasting.
     - Information and hybrid systems.
     - Neural networks and genetic algorithms.
     - Pattern recognition and clustering.
     - Parametric methods of modelling, machine learning, and
       evolutionary computation.
     - Non-parametric methods: search of analogues, fuzzy logic and
       probabilistic modelling
     - Selection and construction of criteria for model structure optimization.
     - Comparison of different approaches for artificial intelligence problems
     - Estimation of inductive methods efficiency in modelling and prediction.
     - Application of inductive approach to solution of AI problems.

    The aim of Conference is to analyse the current progress in development of
    inductive approach to artificial intelligence problems solution.

    Methods of inductive modelling allow to find automatically models of optimal
    complexity for real data and therefore can improve the accuracy of AI problems
    solution. Inductive modelling has objective character and therefore can help to
    avoid invalid decisions of experts. Inductive approach also considerably
    enriches existing methods of data mining and knowledge discovery by new
    possibilities to increase accuracy and lead-time of predictions. Methods of
    parallel computing are adequate for self-organizing algorithms, allowing to
    increase considerably the dimensionality of processed data.

    Among the highlights of the Conference there will be issues of theory
    development, algorithms and applications of the Group Method of Data Handling
    (GMDH) as first realization of inductive idea in modelling. Conference
    participants will have the opportunity to discuss fundamentals and state of art
    in inductive modelling, plans for software and hardware development,
    organization of cooperation, and discuss ways for enhancing of effectiveness of
    complex systems modelling.

          Submission deadline 20.02.2002
          Acceptance notification 15.03.2002
          Sending of invitations 10.04.2002
          Conference 20.05.2002

    The deadline for arrival at the physical address below of the two
    camera-ready hard copies of paper is February 20, 2002.
    Please send paper by post to address :
    "ICIM-2002", P.O. Box 5446, Lviv-31, Ukraine, 79031.
    and it electronic version in MS Word format by email:

    Papers should be formatted for an A4 size page with left, right and top margins
    20mm and bottom - 30mm and are a maximum of seven (7) pages. Each report
    must include title (13 pt), initials and last names of the authors (12 pt),
    title of
    institution, address and e-mail of the first participant (11pt), abstract (up
    to 10 strings; 9 pt), text (11pt), list of references. Before each part,
    pointed above, empty string should be inserted. It is preferred (but not
    required) that the format of submitted papers roughly follow the required
    format for final camera-ready papers, which will be posted on

     State Institute of Information Infrastructure
     P.O. Box 5446, Lviv-31, 79031 Ukraine
     Tel./Fax (+380 0322) 630311

    For the latest information, please visit the web site,

    Apologies if you receive this invitation more than once.

     Alexey Ivakhnenko, (, Honorary Chairman, ICIM'2002
     International Center of Informational Technologies and Systems
     Glushkov Cybernetic Center of NASU

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