[UAI] Post-docs at Brown

From: Steven Sloman (Steven_Sloman@brown.edu)
Date: Mon Dec 17 2001 - 13:33:49 PST

  • Next message: Methods for Modalities: "[UAI] CFP: HyLo@LICS"

    BROWN UNIVERSITY. Post-doctoral positions available for cognitive or
    computational scientist. As part of an NSF award to Brown University
    through the IGERT program, the Departments of Cognitive and Linguistic
    Sciences, Computer Science, and Applied Mathematics are hiring research
    associates. The associates should be scholars who have displayed
    interest and ability in conducting collaborative interdisciplinary
    research involving a combination of computational and empirical
    approaches to one of the content areas of the program: cognition,
    language, or vision. As well as participating in collaborative
    research, responsibilities will include helping to coordinate
    cross-departmental events as well as some graduate teaching. Applicants
    must hold a PhD in Psychology, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Computer
    Science, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or a related discipline, or
    show evidence that the PhD will be completed before the start of the
    position. Applicants should send a vita, a short research statement,
    three letters of reference, and other supporting material (e.g.,
    representative publications if available), to IGERT Post-doc Search,
    Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, Brown University, Box
    1978, Providence, RI 02912. Special consideration will be given to
    those applicants whose research is relevant to at least two of the
    participating departments. The positions are open immediately for one
    year, renewable upon satisfactory completion of duties. Salaries will
    be between $35,000 and $45,000 per year. All materials must be received
    by Feb. 15, 2002, for full consideration. Like all NSF-funded programs,
    this opportunity is available only to American citizens and permanent
    residents. Brown University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

    For additional information about the program and ongoing research
    initiatives please visit our website at:


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