[UAI] CFP: Discovery Science 2002 (DS2002)

From: Ken Satoh (ksatoh@nii.ac.jp)
Date: Tue Dec 25 2001 - 09:17:42 PST

  • Next message: Silvia Coradeschi: "[UAI] Special issue of Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal"

                                  Call for papers

          The 5th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2002)
                        Moevenpick Hotel, Luebeck, Germany
                                November 24-26, 2002

          Submission Deadline May 12, 2002
          Notification of Acceptance July 1, 2002
          Camera-ready Due August 2, 2002
          Conference November 24-26, 2002

    The 5th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2002) will be
    held at Moevenpick Hotel, Luebeck, Germany, on November 24-26,
    2002. DS2002 will be co-located with the 13th International Conference
    on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT2002). The two conferences will be
    held in parallel, and they will share their invited talks.

    We are now encountered to a rapidly growing digital network
    society. Information available for each person is tremendously large
    and therefore is far beyond our capability for analyzing and
    understanding. A new generation of computational techniques and tools
    is required to support the extraction and the discovery of useful
    knowledge from the rapidly growing volumes of data. Raw data is rarely
    of direct benefit. Its true value is reflected by our ability to
    extract information useful for decision support or for exploration and
    understanding of the phenomena exhibited in the data source.

    The main objective of DS2002 is to provide an open forum for intensive
    discussions and interchange of new information among researchers
    working in the area of Discovery Science.

    We invite submissions from the following areas (but not limited to):
    logic for/of knowledge discovery; knowledge discovery by inferences,
    learning algorithms, and heuristic search; scientific discovery;
    knowledge discovery in databases; data mining; knowledge discovery in
    network environments; active mining; inductive logic programming;
    abductive reasoning; machine learning; constructive programming as
    discovery; intelligent network agents; knowledge discovery from texts
    and from unstructured and multimedia data; statistical methods and
    neural networks for knowledge discovery; data and knowledge
    visualization; knowledge discovery and human interaction; human
    factors in knowledge discovery; philosophy and psychology of
    discovery; chance discovery; application of knowledge discovery to
    natural science such as bioinformatics, biology, chemistry and
    astronomy; application of knowledge discovery to social science such
    as economics, sociology, literature and music.

    Authors are requested to submit their papers in electronic form
    (for the details, visit
    or send six copies of them to
      DS2002 c/o Prof. Ken Satoh
      National Institute of Informatics
      2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
      101-8430, Japan.
    Electronic submission is highly preferred.
    Papers must be received by May 12, 2002.
    Notification of acceptance will be emailed to the first (or designated)
    author by July 1, 2002.
    Camera-ready copy of accepted papers will be due August 2, 2001.

    The paper should consist of a cover page with title, authors' names,
    postal and e-mail addresses, an approximately 200 word summary, and a
    body not longer than twelve pages under the style files supplied by
    Springer-Verlag. The style files and authors instructions can be
    obtained from the web site of Springer-Verlag

    Each submitted paper will be reviewed by the members of the program
    committee supported by an international board of reviewers, and
    selected on the basis of its importance in Discovery Science from
    theoretical and/or practical viewpoints in addition to the originality
    and the clarity of presentation. Papers that have appeared in journals
    or other conferences are not appropriate for DS2002.

    Proceedings will be published as a volume of the Lecture Notes in
    Artificial Intelligence series, Springer-Verlag and will be available
    at the conference.

    Call for Posters:
    DS2002 also invites posters as an important part of the
    conference. For posters, authors are requested to submit a five page
    abstract (in the same style as for the ordinary papers) in electronic
    form (for the details, visit

    After a reviewing process by PC committee, the accepted abstracts will
    be included in the proceedings, although the page-limit may be
    possibly shortened. Abstracts must be received by May 24, 2002.
    Notification of acceptance will be strongailed to the first (or
    designated) author by July 1, 2002. Camera-ready copy of accepted
    abstracts will be due August 2, 2002.

    Conference Chair:
      Carl H. Smith (Univ. of Maryland, USA)
    Program Committee:
      Steffen Lange (Co-chair, DFKI GmbH, Germany)
      Ken Satoh (Co-chair, National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
      Diane J. Cook (Univ. of Texas at Arlington, USA)
      Andreas Dengel (DFKI GmbH, Germany)
      Peter A. Flach (Univ. of Bristol, UK)
      Gunter Grieser (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
      Achim Hoffmann (UNSW, Australia)
      Klaus P. Jantke (DFKI GmbH, Germany)
      John R. Josephson (Ohio State Univ., USA)
      Pat Langley (ISLE, USA)
      Bing Liu (National Univ., Singapore)
      Heikki Mannila (Helsinki Univ. of Techn., Finland)
      Hiroshi Motoda (Osaka Univ., Japan)
      Stephan Muggleton (Imperial College, UK)
      Ryohei Nakano (Nagoya Inst. Techn., Japan)
      Yukio Ohsawa (Tsukuba Univ., Japan)
      Jorge C.G. Ramirez (Intelligent Tech. Corp., USA)
      Ayumi Shinohara (Kyushu Univ., Japan)
      Stefan Wrobel (Techn. Univ. Magdeburg, Germany)
      Kenji Yamanishi (NEC Co. Ltd., Japan)
    Local Arrangements:
      Andreas Jacoby (Med. Univ. Luebeck, Germany)
      Thomas Zeugmann (Med. Univ. Luebeck, Germany)

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