[UAI] Call for Papers: Annals of Software Engineering Special Volume

From: asespec@serg.ing.unisannio.it
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 08:34:12 PST

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    Annals of Software Engineering:

    Special Volume on "Computational Intelligence In Software Engineering"


    The Annals of Software Engineering journal seeks articles for a special
    volume on "Computational Intelligence In Software Engineering".

    The constantly evolving technological infrastructure of the modern world
    presents a great challenge of developing software systems with increasing
    size and complexity. Software engineers and researchers are striving to
    meet these and other continuously growing challenges by developing and
    implementing useful software engineering methodologies. However, despite
    the introduction of some important and useful paradigms in the software
    engineering discipline, their technological transfers on a larger scale has
    been extremely gradual and limited.

    The recent emergence of the field of Computational Intelligence (CI) in
    Software Engineering provides a software development team with an
    opportunity by taking advantage of the currently developed, documented, and
    mature CI technologies such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks,
    genetic and artificial intelligence based computational systems, expert
    knowledge based systems, and case based reasoning. These and other
    computational intelligence technologies have been used to resolve issues
    arising from the ever-increasing complexity and size of software systems.

    The aim and scope of this special issue is focused on the current research
    trends of introducing and implementing CI techniques to address the various
    software engineering needs arising during different phases of software
    development and analysis. This special issue is intended to serve as a
    comprehensive collection of some of the current state-of-the-art CI in
    software engineering technologies.

    Topics of Interest

    Topics of particular interest on "Computational Intelligence In Software
    Engineering" include but are not limited to:

    * Neural Networks
    * Fuzzy Logic
    * Genetic Algorithms & Programming
    * Case Based Reasoning
    * Data Mining Techniques
    * Adaptive Computing Systems
    * Knowledge Based Systems
    * Software Cost Estimation
    * Software Reliability Modeling
    * Formal Verification Methods
    * Software Testing & Software Validation
    * Expert Software Systems
    * Software Requirements & Specifications Engineering
    * Machine Learning Techniques
    * Hybrid Intelligent Systems


    Professor Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar
    Department of Computer Science & Engineering
    Florida Atlantic University
    Boca Raton, Florida 33433, U.S.A.
    Tel: +1-561-297-3994
    Fax: +1-561-297-2800
    Email: taghi@cse.fau.edu

    Annals of Software Engineering imposes virtually no length limitation on
    the submitted papers. A paper's length is judged with respect to the
    quality of its content. Submitted papers must not have been previously
    published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    All papers will be rigorously refereed. The complete manuscript in PDF or
    postscript format should be submitted to the editor on or before April 1,


    Submission of a manuscript to the Annals of Software Engineering journal
    is a representation that the manuscript:
    (a) has not been previously published,
    (b) is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere, and
    (c) will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision is made regarding
        its suitability for publication in Annals of Software Engineering.

    Submission is also the representation that the work has been approved for
    open publication if performed under an official sponsorship requiring
    such an approval.

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