[UAI] New book: "Foundations of Bayesianism"

From: Jon Williamson (jon.williamson@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 08:43:18 PST

Dear all,

"Foundations of Bayesianism" has just been published. This book is edited by
David Corfield and Jon Williamson, published by Kluwer, and contains
foundational papers on Bayesianism and its applications.

The volume is available from Kluwer:

Here are the contents of the book:

Editorial Foreword.
Editorial Preface.
Introduction: Bayesianism into the 21st Century; J. Williamson, D. Corfield.

Bayesianism, Causality and Networks.
Bayesianism and Causality, or, Why I am only a Half-Bayesian; J. Pearl.
Causal Inference without Counterfactuals; P. Dawid.
Foundations for Bayesian Networks; J. Williamson.
Probabilistic Learning Models; P. Williams.

Logic, Mathematics and Bayesianism.
The Logic of Bayesian Probability; C. Howson.
Subjectivism, Objectivism and Objectivity in Bruno de Finetti's Bayesianism;
M.C. Galavotti.
Bayesianism in Mathematics; D. Corfield.
Common Sense and Stochastic Independence; J. Paris, A. Vencovská.
Integrating Probabilistic and Logical Reasoning; J. Cussens.

Bayesianism and Decision Theory.
Ramsey and the Measurement of Belief; R. Bradley.
Bayesianism and Independence; E.F. McClennen.
The Paradox of the Bayesian Experts; P. Mongin.

Criticisms of Bayesianism.
Bayesian Learning and Expectations Formation: Anything Goes; M. Albert.
Bayesianism and the Fixity of the Theoretical Framework; D. Gillies.
Principles of Inference and their Consequences; D. Mayo, M. Kruse.


I hope it's of interest,
All the best,
Jon Williamson
Department of Philosophy, King's College, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, UK

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