Second Call For Papers for the ACM SIGKDD 2002 conference
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, July 2002.
See attached.
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Osmar R. ZAIANE, Ph.D. | office: ATH 352 (Athabasca Hall)
Assistant Professor | e-mail:
Department of Computing Science | phone : 1-780 492 2860
University of Alberta | fax : 1-780 492 1071
Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E8 Canada|
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KDD-2002 Call for Papers
The Eighth ACM SIGKDD International Conference
on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
July 23-26, 2002, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Submission Deadlines: Electronic Abstract Submission - Feb. 22, 2002
Electronic Paper Submission - Mar. 1, 2002
Submission Format : Camera-Ready (no more than 10 pages)
Electronic Submission only
In the past few years, the ACM SIGKDD conference has established itself
as one of the premier conferences on knowledge discovery and data
mining. To continue with this tradition, the eighth ACM SIGKDD
conference will provide a forum for the academic researchers and
industry practitioners to share their research and experience. The
conference will be co-located with AAAI. It will feature keynote
presentations, plenary paper presentations, poster presentations,
tutorials, workshops, panels, as well as the KDD Cup competition.
Papers on all aspects of knowledge discovery are solicited. Areas of
interest include, but are not limited to:
.Data Mining Biomedical Domains | .Novel Data Mining algorithms
.Data Mining with Constraints | .Preproessing and Postprocessing
.Data Mining and Data Warehousing | for Data Mining
.Data Mining and the Internet | .Robust and Scalable Statistical
.Data and Result Visualization | Methods
.Foundations of Data Mining | .Security and Privacy Issues
.Mining High Dimensional Data | .Temporal Data Mining
.Interactive and Online Mining | .Text Data Mining
.KDD Framework and Process |
Both research track and industry track papers are solicited. All papers
will be judged based on their technical merits, relevance to KDD, and
presentation clarity. Because the number of submissions is expected
to be high, the conference will have two parallel tracks on research papers,
thereby increasing the number of papers to be accepted and presented
in the conference.
Important Dates:
- ----------------
Deadlines are for both Research and Industrial tracks
Abstract Submission Deadline : February 22nd, 2002
Proposal Submission Deadline: February 22nd, 2002
Paper Submission Deadline : March 1st,2002
Notification of Acceptance : May 17th, 2002
Camera Copy Deadline : May 31st, 2002
Organizing Committee
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Conference General Chair : Randy Goebel, U. Of Alberta, Canada
Program Chairs : David Hand,
Daniel Keim, AT&T, USA,
Raymond Ng, U. of British Columbia, Canada
Industrial Session Chairs: Michael Berthold, Tripos, USA,
William DuMouchel, AT&T, USA
Best Paper Award Chair : Hans-Peter Kriegel, U. of Munich, Germany
Student Awards Chair : Jiawei Han, U. of Illinois, USA
Exhibits Chair : Nick Koudas, AT&T, USA
Treasurer : Davood Rafiei, U. Of Alberta, Canada
Publicity Chair : Osmar Zaiane, U. Of Alberta, Canada
Local Arrangements Chair : Mario Nascimento, U. Of Alberta, Canada
Panels Chair : Rajeev Rastogi, Bell Labs, USA
Proceedings Chair : Osmar Zaiane, U. Of Alberta, Canada
Sponsorship Chair : Charu Aggarwal, IBM, USA,
Nick Cercone, U. of Waterloo, Canada,
Mario Schkolnik
Tutorials Chair : Alexander Hinneburg, U. of Halle, Germany
Workshops Chair : Renee Miller, U. of Toronto, Canada
Webmaster : Osmar Zaiane, U. Of Alberta, Canada
Registration Chair : Joerg Sander, U. Of Alberta, Canada
KDD-Cup Chairs : Mark Craven, U. of Wisconsin, USA,
Alexander Yeh, MITRE Corp., USA
Program Committee:
- ------------------
Niall Adams Dimitris Gunopulos Stephen North
Jesus Aguilar-Ruiz Yike Guo Doug Nychka
Mihael Ankerst Monte Hancock Gregory Piatetski-Shapiro
Daniel Barbara Joann Harveyk Daryl Pregibon
Roberto Bayardo Howard Ho Foster Provost
Michael Berthold Adele Howe Prabhakar Raghavan
Richard Bolton William Hsu Raghu Ramakrishnan
Paul Bradley Alfred Inselberg Marco Ramoni
Nick Cercone David Jensen Greg Ridgeway
David Cheung Ted Johnson Joerg Sander
Ken Church Laveen Kanal Bernhard Seeger
Di Cook Jon Kleinberg Matt Schonlau
Gutnam Das Ronny Kohavi Dale Schuurmans
Vasant Dhar Flip Korn Kyuseok Shim
Umeshwar Dayal Vipin Kumar Roberta Siciliano
Victor DeGruttola Diane Lambert Simeon J. Simoff
Chabane Djeraba Jose Latorre Padhraic Smyth
Maggie Dunham Doheon Lee Paul Stolorz
Martin Ester Bing Liu Sal Stolfo
Christos Faloutsos Howard Hamilton Hannu Toivonen
Tom Fawcett Xiao Hui Liu Alexander Tuzhilin
Usama Fayyad Hongjun Lu K.P.Unnikrishnan
Ronen Feldman David Madigan Ramasamy Uthurusamy
Ada Fu Heikki Mannila Matthew Ward
Alex Gammerman Doug Martin Ed Wegman
Minos Garofalakis Stan Matwin Xindong Wu
Johannes Gehrke Shinichi Morishita Xiang Yang
George Grinstein Sally Morton Hwan-Seung Yong
Rajeev Motwani Ning Zhong
Executive Committee:
- --------------------
Chair : Won Kim
Secretary/Treasurer: Rakesh Agrawal
Board of Directors : Christos Faloutsos, Usama Fayyad, Jiawei Han,
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, Ramasamy Uthurusamy
Submission Guidelines:
Abstracts must be submitted electronically at the paper submission
web site on or before 6pm PST Feb. 22, 2002. An abstract must not
contain more than 250 words. No paper will be considered without
having the abstract submitted in time.
Full papers must be submitted electronically at the paper submission
web site on or before 6pm PST March 1, 2002. Authors are required to
submit a version of their full papers in camera-ready format. As such,
the formating instructions are identical to the SIGKDD conference paper
instructions ( Papers
should be no more than 10 pages, single spaced, in no smaller than 10
point font with 1 inch margins (left, right, top, bottom.) This page
limit is inclusive of all references. Appendices can be attached and
not counted towards the page limit. But appendices may not be read by
the referees. The program committee will strictly enforce the page
All papers must be submitted in either PDF, postscript or MS Word
format. However, PDF is the preferred submission format.
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the submitted
papers print correctly on a variety of printers. If any special fonts
are used, they must be included in the submission. Finally, all papers
must be original, and have not been submitted elsewhere.
Best Paper Awards: The KDD-2002 Best Papers Awards recognize the best
paper in two categories: fundamental research and applications/applied
research. Fundamental research papers are judged by the significance
and originality of their contribution. Application/applied research
papers are judged by the practical impact and current or potential
usefulness of the work. In both categories, the clarity and quality
of presentation are also considered.
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