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Cross-conference sessions at
2002 International Conference on Internet Computing
& 2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
June 24-27, 2002
Monte-Carlo Resort, Las-Vegas, USA
Regardless of economical situation, efficiency is always a top goal in
conducting business. Automation can help us to carry out business in a
fast, low-cost, and effective way with minimal human involvement. AGENT
technology is one of the most promising tools to implement BUSINESS
AUTOMATION autonomously, intelligently, and efficiently. The goals of
these sessions are to gather academic as well as industrial researchers to
exchange new ideas and experiences, to initialize new connections toward
future cooperation or to strengthen existing collaborations.
Based on the last year event we plan to have two tracks at two
conferences: IC-AI-2002 and IC-IC-2002
(*) Track-A: (at IC-IC-2002) " Internet Agents for Business Automation"
(*) Track-B: (at IC-AI-2002) " Intelligent Agents for Business Automation"
We welcome papers on frameworks, architectures, protocols, algorithms,
design, evaluation (performance, QoS, security), and implementation
techniques for business agent-based systems. Technical issues to be
addressed include, but are not limited to:
Agent-based Data Retrieval for Business Automation
Agent-based Automatic Demand/Supply Formation for Business Automation
Agent-based Demand/Supply Matching for Business Automation
Agent-based Transaction Formation for Business Automation
Agent-based Transaction Implementation for Business Automation
Agent-based Workflow Management for Business Automation
Personal Agents
Virtual Agent-based Office
Agent Coordination for Cooperative Works
Agent Security and Authentication
Agent Visualization
AI Techniques (Neural Networks,Fuzzy Logic,Genetic Algorithms,..) for
Internet Agents
Agent Communication/Interaction
Agent Cooperation/Competition
Agent Negotiation and Learning
E-Management and E-Control with Agents
E-Trade and E-Marketplace with Agents
E-Payment and E-Banking with Agents
Financial & Investment Agent-Based Applications
Agent-based Supply Chains
Agents for Games on the Internet
Large-Scale E-Business Agent-Based Systems
Networking Supports for Internet Agents
Web Intelligent Interface with Agents
Agents for Database in E-Business
Wireless Agent-Based Systems
You are invited to submit draft papers by February 25. A web site will be
available for paper submission and please zip your file before submitting.
The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7
IEEE-format pages. Please include: paper title, your names, affiliation,
address, E-mail, telephone and fax number and a maximum of 5 keywords in
the first page of your paper.
Accepted papers will be published in the INTERNET COMPUTING Conference
Proceeding and the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Conference Proceeding by CSREA
Press (ISBN) in hard copy. The proceedings will be available at the
conference site. In addition to the hard copy, it is also planned to
publish the papers on a CD. Selected papers (with extension and revision)
will be considered for journal publication. Last year, 8 papers of
our sessions have been chosen to be published in a special issue of the
International Journal of E-commerce Research by the Kluwer publisher.
The last Joint conferences attracted over 1400 computer science
researchers. It is anticipated that The 2002 International Joint
conferences will attract about 2000 participants. The 2002 event will be
composed of 14 (planned) international conferences - attendees will have
full access to all 14 conferences' sessions and tracks.
( a link to each conference's URL is available from
http://www.ashland.edu/~iajwa/conferences )
February 25, 2002 (Monday): Draft papers
March 21, 2002 (Thursday): Notification of acceptance
April 22, 2002 (Monday): Camera-Ready papers & Pre-registration
Dr. Hanh Pham
Department of Computer Science
State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz
75 S. Manheim Blvd. Suite 6, FOB-08
New Paltz, NY 12561, USA
E-mail: phamh@newpaltz.edu ( please kindly put "ABA-02" in the subject
field -> for the email filters )
Web: http://cs.newpaltz.edu/~pham/ABA-02/
Tel: 1-845-257-3574
Fax: 1-845-257-3996
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