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Call For Papers
ASAI 2002
4th Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
September 9-13, Santa Fe (Argentine)
Collocated with 31st International Conference on Computer
Science and Operational Research
(JAIIO 2002)
* Introduction
The Fourth Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI 2002)
will be held during 9-13 September 2002 at Santa Fe,
Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina.
The symposium aims at providing a forum for researchers and
AI community members to discuss, and exchange ideas and experiences
on diverse topics of the Artificial Intelligence.
The previous conferences stimulated significant presentations on
both Applications of AI in several fields and new tools and
foundations being developed nowadays.
Topics of particular interest include (not limited to):
Adaptive Systems
AI Foundations
Automated Reasoning
Autonomous Agents
Case-Based Reasoning
Causal and Probabilistic Reasoning
Cognitive Science in AI
Cooperative Robotics
Data Mining and Information Retrieval
Description Logics and Conceptual Graphs
Decision Theory
Diagnosis and Abduction
Distributed AI
Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Control
Genetic Algorithms and Soft Computing
Intelligent User Interfaces
Intelligent Web Applications
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Logic Programming
Machine Learning
Model-based and Qualitative reasoning
Multi-Agent Systems
Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition
Neural Networks
Non-monotonic Reasoning Ontology
Planning and Scheduling
Real-time AI and Control
Reasoning about Actions and Change
Reinforcement Learning
Robot Learning
Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
Uncertainty in AI
For further information, please visit our page in
* Program Committee
Zapico, Adriana (Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto - Argentina)
Santos, Juan Miguel (Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires - Argentina)
Other Members:
Amandi, Analia (ISISTAN, Univ.Centro Pcia.Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Barber, Federico (DSIC, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)
Boumedine, Marc (University of the Virgin Islands)
Cantu, Francisco (Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico)
Ceccato, Alejandro (IFIR, CONICET-UNR, Rosario, Argentina)
Ferme, Eduardo (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Geffner, Hector (ICREA - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Godo, Lluis (Inst. d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial-CSIC, Spain)
Henning, Gabriela (INTEC, Universidad Nac. del Litoral-CONICET, Argentina)
Matt, Andreas (Universidad de Innsbruck, Austria)
Meseguer, Pedro (Inst. d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial-CSIC,
Monard, Maria Carolina (ICMSC, Universidad de São Paulo, Brazil)
Moraga, Claudio (Universität Dortmund, Germany)
Parson, Simon (Sloan School of Management at MIT,USA)
Perez Uribe, Andrés (EPFL-Universty of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Prade, Henri (Inst. de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, IRIT-CNRS,
Rodriguez, Horacio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Rodriguez, Ricardo (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Sebastiani, Fabrizio (Istituto di Elaborazione dell'Informazione - Italy)
Segura, Enrique (South Bank University, UK)
Sichman, Jaime Simão (Universidad de São Paulo,Brazil)
Simari, Guillermo (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)
Touzet, Claude (Universite de Provence, France)
Verdegay, Jose Luis (Univ. de Granada, Spain)
Zwir, Igor (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
* Preliminary Call for Papers
ASAI 2002 seeks original contributions in a wide spectrum
of the Artificial Intelligence, ranging from state-of-the-art
academic research to industrial and business applications having a
significant impact. The symposium will consist of invited talks
and paper sessions presenting both mature work and new ideas in
research and applications. Submissions can be full papers addressing
any topic of artificial intelligence or short papers describing
ongoing research projects at academic or development environments.
An international program committee using criteria appropriate to
their category will review the papers. Papers may be accepted for
presentation as talks in sessions.
Submissions are due on May 6th 2002. Delayed submissions will
most likely be rejected.
ASAI 2002 will be part of JAIIO 2002, the 31st Argentine Meeting
on Computer Science and Operational Research, organized by the
Argentine Computer Science and Operational Research Society.
The JAIIO Conference (www.frsf.utn.edu.ar/investigacion/jaiio2002)
will be held on September 9-13, including other symposia, tutorials
and student contests.
The submissions of papers and ongoing research projects must follow
the LNCS format (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
All contributions, of maximum 12 pages length, should be submitted
by-email in ghostview-readable Postscript or PDF. For diffusion reason,
papers in English are strongly preferred, but in Spanish they will be
also acceptable. A separated e-mail must be sent (in ASCII)
with the title of the paper, the abstract, name and filiation/s of
the authors (including complete address, e-mail account and
phone/fax number. Please, specify corresponding author.), a maximum
of five keywords and the topics (at most three) which the work classifies.
The format for the camera-ready copy will be informed together with
the acceptance letter.
Receipt of a submission will be acknowledged immediately to the
corresponding author.
Electronic submissions must be sent to asai2002@dc.uba.ar
* Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: May 6th, 2002
Notification of Acceptance: June 26th, 2002
Camera-ready papers due: July 15th, 2002
* For further information, please contact with:
Adriana Zapico
Departamento de Computación
Fac. de Cs Exactas,Fis-Quim. y Nat.
Enlace Ruta 8 y 36, km 603
5800 Río Cuarto
e-mail: asai2002-zapico@dc.exa.unrc.edu.ar
Juan Miguel Santos
Departamento de Computación
Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón I
C1428EHA Buenos Aires
e-mail: asai2002@dc.uba.ar
phone: (+ 54 11) 45763390 Ext 708
fax: (+ 54 11) 45763390
For more information, visit:
Adriana Zapico
Departamento de Computación
Fac. de Cs. Exactas, Fis-Quim. y Naturales
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Enlace Ruta 8 y 36 km 603
5800 Rio Cuarto
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