Special issue of
the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine journal
For details, see
o Submission deadline: 1st June, 2002
o Notification of acceptance: 1st July, 2002
o Final paper: 15th September, 2002
o Special issue: beginning of 2003
Contributions are solicited for a special issue of the Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine journal on the theme of "Bayesian Models in
Medicine". This special issue is a follow-up to the highly successful
workshop on the same theme, which was held during the AIME'01
conference in Cascais, Portugal on 1st July 2001.
Bayesian networks (also known as causal probabilistic networks) with
their associated methods have now been around in medicine for more
than a decade. They have become increasingly popular for representing
and handling uncertain knowledge in medicine, for example for the
classification of patients, the prediction of prognosis, and the
selection of optimal treatment. Almost simultaneously, the use of
Bayesian statistics in medicine has increased in popularity. Moreover,
interest in Bayesian methods is emerging within bioinformatics,
e.g. for building models for protein structure prediction and the
interpretation of microarray gene expression data. This special issue
aims to offer an impression of the current state of the art in these
research fields.
The papers (up to 20 pages) are to be submitted as a compressed
Postscript file by e-mail before 1st June 2002 to all three
special-issue editors and should be written in English with a brief
abstract and 5 to 7 keywords. Preferably, the papers are produced
using LaTeX.
For more information about the special issue, please contact one of
the editors:
Peter Lucas, lucas@cs.uu.nl
Linda van der Gaag, linda@cs.uu.nl
Ameen Abu-Hanna, A.Abu-Hanna@amc.uva.nl
or consult http://www.cs.uu.nl/~lucas/aimej-cfp.html.
-- Peter Lucas Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland, UK Tel: +44 1224 273829; Fax: +44 1224 273422/487048 E-mail: plucas@csd.abdn.ac.uk; URL: http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~plucas
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