July 1 - 5, 2002
Annecy, France
The IPMU Conference is organized every two years with the aim of bringing
together scientists working on various methods for the management of
uncertainty in intelligent systems. This conference provides a medium for
the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners using
different methods to address the important issue of uncertainty.
In 2002, the conference is being held in Annecy, a city located in the
northern French Alps whose enchanting surroundings, by the side of a
mountain lake, provide many attractions to the visitor.
Arthur P. DEMPSTER, Professor at Harvard University (USA),
« Theory of belief functions : history and prospects »
Paul FRANK, Professor at the University of Duisburg (Germany),
« Handling uncertainty in fault detection and isolation systems »
Walter KINTSCH, Director of the Cognitive Science Institut of Colorado (USA),
« A computational theory of metaphor comprehension based on Latent Semantic
Analysis »
Berthold SCHWEIZER, Professeur at the Massachussetts University (USA),
« Probabilistic measurement »
Lotfi A. ZADEH, Professor at the University of California at Berkeley (USA),
«Toward a perception-based theory of probabilistic reasoning with imprecise
probabilities »
MORE INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT http://www.univ-savoie.fr/ipmu2002
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