[UAI] Call for Paper: ICSE 2002 Workshop on Software Product Lines

From: Succi Giancarlo (P) (Giancarlo.Succi@unibz.it)
Date: Fri Jan 25 2002 - 09:26:52 PST

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    ICSE 2002 Workshop on Software Product Lines:
            Economics, Architectures, and Implications

    Call For Papers

    Are you working on, researching on, studying, or interested in software
    product line? Come to the ICSE 2002 Workshop on Software Product Lines:
    Economics, Architectures, and Implications!

    The workshop will continue the flow of discussions started with ICSE
    2000 and continued with ICSE 2001.

    Several challenging questions have emerged, and are still waiting for
    definite solutions. Among them:
    - - How can product lines evolve and change? How can analysts and
      designers perceive and appreciate the difference between evolution
      and variation within a product line?
    - - How compatibility can be used to build open or closed product lines,
      successful from both a commercial and a technical perspective?
    - - How is it possible to bridge analysis assets and architectural
      assets, and to create homomorphisms among the different assets
      within the different phases of the development of a product line?

    The objective of the workshop is to bring together people from industry
    and academia to investigate the proposals and the practices that
    pertain to the following conceptual and technical questions:
    - Product lines introduce extra complexity in software development but
      offer high returns: What are the tradeoffs and when should software
      firms decide to go for a product line approach?
    - What are success and failure factors for introducing software product
      lines in organizations?
    - Is it possible to predict when product line investment pays in a
      specific domain and environment?
    - How can the success of a product line be quantified, taking into
      account non-financial factors?
    - What are successful product line solutions in the context of embedded
      systems? How can software product lines be designed together with the
      corresponding hardware?
    - What are good strategies for adapting existing product line members
      to changes due to the evolution of the product line infrastructure?
    - Which organizational forms are best suited for supporting product
    - Is product line development manageable by small and medium-sized
    - Which existing tools support the product line engineering best?

    People interested in participating at the workshop should send a
    position of 4 pages addressing one of the above questions papers
    relevant to one or more of the topics mentioned above.

    Submissions will be evaluated according to the relevance and
    originality of the work and to their ability to generate discussions
    between the participants of the workshop. Special attention will be
    placed to accept a very diverse set of papers, both from the usual
    industrial and academic software engineering community and from other
    scientific communities relevant for software product lines, such as the
    management community.

    Submitted can be extended abstracts or position papers of max. 4 pages,
    formatted according to ICSE-2002 guidelines (see below). Allowed
    document formats are PDF and PostScript.

    The work presented should be original and not be submitted or already
    published elsewhere.

    Papers should be send as email attachment to Peter Knauber or Giancarlo
    Succi by no later than March 1st 2002.

    Participants will have to prepare their presentation in advance
    according to the Powerpoint template that is supplied on the workshop
    web site (see below) and send it to the workshop chairs together
    with the final version of their paper.

    The organizers intend to publish the best papers of the workshop in a
    book they would edit and are in contact with a publisher for that
    purpose. In case that book is accepted, authors of accepted papers will
    be required to adhere to the respective camera ready copy guidelines
    and to sign the suitable camera ready copy. Otherwise the papers
    presented will be published as referrable Fraunhofer IESE Technical

    Important Dates:
    - March 1st: Deadline for submissions of the positions to the workshop.
    - March 15th: Notification of acceptance.
    - March 15th: Full program for the workshop available.
    - April 5th: Final version of the papers and of the slides for the
                 presentation due.
    - April 15th: Start of discussion.

    E-mail addresses:
    - Peter Knauber: mailto:Peter.Knauber@iese.fraunhofer.de
    - Giancarlo Succi: mailto:Giancarlo.Succi@unibz.it

    Relevant Web Sites:
    - Workshop:
    - ICSE 2002:
    - ICSE 2002 formatting guidelines:
    - Workshop PPT template <available after March 15>:

    Giancarlo Succi, PhD, PEng
    Professor and Director
    Center for Applied Software Engineering
    Faculty of Computer Science
    Free University of Bozen
    Domenikanerplatz 3 Piazza Domenicani
    I-39100 Bozen, Italy
    ph: +39(0471)315-640 - fax: +39(0471)315-649
    e-mail: Giancarlo.Succi@unibz.it
    XP2002 web site: www.xp2002.org

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