I am looking for a couple of students for this summer, through
this program. It is for American (citizen or resident alien)
women undergraduates at American universities.
} January 7, 2001
} Contact: Nancy Amato, Texas A&M University, amato@cs.tamu.edu, 979-862-2275
} The Computing Research Association (CRA) Committee on the Status of
} Women in Computing Research (CRA-W) is accepting applications through
} February 15 from both students and mentors for CRA-W's Distributed
} Mentor Project 2002. The objective of this project is to increase the
} number of women entering studies in the fields of computer science
} and engineering. Complete application details are available on the
} CRA-W Website at http://cra.org/Activities/craw/dmp/.
} The Distributed Mentor Project brings together computer science and
} engineering undergraduates and professors for a summer of research at
} the mentor's research institution. Students will be involved in
} projects with successful researchers, learn how a research university
} operates, and interact with graduate students and professors. This
} experience is invaluable for students who are considering applying to
} graduate school.
} Through a multi-year evaluation, past participants have indicated
} that the Distributed Mentor Project has been valuable to them in
} their careers. One participant stated, "That was my first exposure
} to research; I not only learned a lot, but ended up with something
} well worth working for and useful for the project I participated in.
} I learned how to work for resources, revived my self-confidence, and
} ENJOYED what I did. I had never before realized how much I would
} enjoy doing research and working with people who were doing research,
} and believe this experience came at the right moment in my life to
} give me specific direction for my future goals."
} Primary criteria for selection are:
} 1) The match between the student's experience and skills and the
} needs of the participating researcher/mentor's research project.
} 2) The student's potential for success in graduate school, as
} indicated by her record and recommendations.
} 3) The student's potential gain from the experience (e.g., students
} at institutions unable to offer research opportunities with
} professors).
} 4) The potential that the student's participation will advance the
} goals of the mentor program.
} The CRA-W Distributed Mentor Project is supported by a grant from the
} National Science Foundation, and by the NSF's Partnerships for
} Advanced Computational Infrastructure Education, Outreach, and
} Training program, http://www.eot.org.
} The goals of the Computing Research Association Committee on the
} Status of Women in Computer Science and Engineering Research (CRA-W)
} are to take positive action to increase the success of women
} participating in computer science and engineering research and
} education at all levels and to improve the working environment for
} computer scientists and engineers of both genders. CRA-W is funded
} by the National Science Foundation and corporate sponsors. For more
} information, see http://www.cra.org/craw.
} The Computing Research Association is an association of more than 180
} North American academic departments of computer science and computer
} engineering; laboratories and centers in industry, government, and
} academia engaging in basic computing research; and affiliated
} professional societies.
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