METRICS 2002: 8th International Symposium on Software Metrics
** Hotel and conference on-line registration now available**
Focus: Software quality and productivity
Objective: The METRICS conference aims at providing participants with a
thorough and complete insight into the state practice and research with
respect to software measurement, process improvement, and quality
engineering. Academic papers as well as industry presentations and
tutorials will provide relevant information to participants of diverse
background and interest. We emphasize both industry and academic
participation, thus offering a forum for interaction between research and
Industry participants: IBM, Nortel Networks, Alcatel, TCS-Tata Consultancy
Services, InfoSys, Lockheed Martin, Philips, Ericsson, Motorola, Xerox, ...
Dates: June 4-7, 2002. (Tutorials on June 4)
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Information and on-line registration: http://www.software-metrics.org/
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