The following may be of interest:
Special Section of the Journal Bioinformatics on:
Analysis of Microarray Data
Colin Campbell (University of Bristol) and
Shayan Mukherjee (MIT)
Microarray technology is rapidly accelerating progress
in many areas of biomedical research. For the first time
this technology gives a global view of the expression level of
thousands of genes. This Special Section of Bioinformatics
will focus on new algorithmic or theoretical techniques for
analyzing such datasets.
This Special Section was announced at the NIPS2001 Workshop
on Machine Learning Techniques for Bioinformatics held at
the Whistler Resort, British Columbia, Canada in December, 2001.
Analysis of microarray data frequently utilizes machine learning
techniques such as cluster analysis, classification, feature
selection, regression, sample complexity, determination of
network structures and feature dependencies, for example.
However, we also welcome papers from researchers interested
in analytical methods beyond machine learning (e.g. statistics)
which may include techniques for evaluating the effect of noise,
imputing missing values, discovering outliers, scoring features,
etc. We welcome case studies in which the techniques described
above are applied to new datasets, illustrating practical problems
and the successful use of these methods.
Further details can be found at:
The deadline for submissions is *** 30th April 2002 ***.
Dr. Colin Campbell,
Advanced Computing Research Center,
Bristol University, Bristol BS8 1TR,
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 117 928 9858
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