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The AI-2002 Workshop on
Business Agents and the Semantic Web
held at the AI 2002 ( AI-2002 <http://www.cs.unb.ca/ai2002/> )
May 26, 2002, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Workshop home page: http://www.cs.unb.ca/ai2002/BASeWEB.html
New: Submission information updated and deadline extended.
E-business increasingly uses Web Services or agents acting on behalf of
human buyers and sellers. Such Business Agents can profit from the
machine-interpretable product and service descriptions provided by the
Semantic Web. Cross-fertilized techniques from AI (e.g., Intelligent Agents)
and the Internet (e.g., the Semantic Web) are thus explored by numerous
organizations world-wide, including W3C, DARPA, NRC, IST, and INTAP. Web
ontologies - consisting of taxonomies and/or rules - constitute the
centerpiece of the new AI-Internet synthesis.
This workshop addresses researchers extending Web techniques by AI or
transferring AI techniques to the Web in an attempt to create intelligent
business agents. The current workshop builds on previous workshops such as
Novel E-Commerce Applications of <http://www.cs.unb.ca/~bspencer/NECAA/>
Agents and Semantic <http://www.mynisus.com/icec/ecrml.html> Web-based
E-Commerce and Rules Markup Languages.
All topics related to agents and e-business are welcome. Topics of interest
include, but are not restricted to:
* Semantic Web approaches and architectures
* Web agents for producers and consumers
* E-Business setups in the Semantic Web
* Business agent architectures
* Knowledge management and e-business agents
* Product and service codes/registries (e.g., UNSPSC/UDDI)
* Description logics and Web ontologies (e.g., DAML+OIL, OWL)
* Extended Horn logics and rule markup techniques (e.g., RuleML)
* Application areas for rules (e.g., P3P, XACML, ebXML, DRM, etc.)
* Belief logics and planning for multiple agents
* Negotiations: bargaining, auctions, and trust
* Inference engines: deduction and induction
* Distributed deduction for the Semantic Web
* Natural language interfaces for business agents
* Lessons learned from implemented systems
Workshop format
The workshop will consist of some short introductory remarks by the
organizers and then mostly of presentations of submitted works, followed by
an open discussion session, where the state of the field, current problems
and new directions will be examined. Recommendations concerning relevant
emerging Web standards will be considered.
Participation and Submissions
Participation in this workshop is by invitation only and invitees must be
registered for the AI-2002 conference. Also attendance is limited.
Therefore, in case that a selection becomes necessary, we ask researchers
that just want to attend the workshop without contributing a paper to send a
short email to the
organizing committee expressing their particular interest in the workshop.
Researchers interested in contributing a paper should send it to the
organizing committee (in PDF format ONLY), up to 8 pages. Papers may already
be prepared in one of the Elsevier
The papers will be reviewed by the organization committee (and some
additional referees) and all papers of sufficient quality will be included
into the workshop notes (and their authors invited to the workshop, of
course). Out of these papers several will be selected for presentation at
the workshop. The main criteria of this selection will be to cover a broad
variety of concepts and the contribution to the goals stated above. To
facilitate a lively and interesting discussion, we will try to make all the
papers available to the participants of the workshop before the workshop
takes place.
After workshop activities
Besides online and conventional proceedings as well as a journal issue
partially based on resubmitted papers, the workshop results will be
immediately made available to researchers working on emerging Web standards
such as DAML+OIL <http://www.daml.org/language/> and RuleML
<http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/ruleml/> . A special issue of the journal
Electronic Commerce <http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ecra> Research and
Applications is being prepared for the resubmitted papers from this
Invited Speakers
* <http://iis.kaist.ac.kr/~jklee/home.html> Professor Jae Kyu Lee,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and <http://www.kaist.edu/> Technology,
Seoul, Korea
A Framework for Knowledge Management with the eXtensible Rule Markup
* <http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~denzinge/>
<http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~denzinge/> Professor Jörg Denzinger,
University of Calgary <http://www.ucalgary.ca/> , Canada
Distributed Deduction and the Semantic Web
Important dates
* Deadline for Submissions/Requests for Participation: March 28, 2002
(extended deadline)
* Invitations will be sent out: April 8, 2002
* Workshop: May 26, 2002
Organizing Committee
Harold Boley <http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/~boley/>
DFKI <http://www.dfki.de/>
Email: boley@dfki.de <mailto:boley@dfki.de>
Ali Ghorbani <http://www.cs.unb.ca/profs/ghorbani>
Faculty of Computer Science <http://www.cs.unb.ca>
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Email: ghorbani@unb.ca <mailto:%20ghorbani@unb.ca>
Bruce Spencer <http://www.cs.unb.ca/~bspencer>
Faculty of Computer Science <http://www.cs.unb.ca>
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Email: bspencer@unb.ca <mailto:%20bspencer@unb.ca>
Said Tabet <http://people.ne.mediaone.net/stabet/>
Nisus <http://www.nisusinc.com/>
Email: stabet@nisusinc.com <mailto:stabet@nisusinc.com>
Program Committee
David Ash (USA)
Justin Hickey (Canada)
Ansgar Bernardi (Germany)
Steve Ross-Talbot (UK)
Prabhakar Bhogaraju (USA)
Bruce Spencer (Canada)
Harold Boley (Germany)
Said Tabet (USA)
Ali Ghorbani (Canada)
Gerd Wagner (The Netherlands)
Benjamin Grosof (USA)
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