Technologies supporting business solutions
Corchuelo R., Ruiz Cortés A., Wrembel R. (eds.)
The aim of this book is to present the research that is being carried out
at universities and in industries to solve the problems related to the
construction of business applications using object-oriented technology,
focusing on real-world industrial experiences and projects, as well as
innovative infrastructures for building e-commerce solutions. The book
aims also at developing a framework for better understanding the application
of research achievements in modern business solutions like e-commerce,
database technology, data integration, and data analysis.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
* New trends: web services, advanced multiparty interaction models,
m-commerce, web-based services for federated systems, electronic
contacts, automated building of Service Level Agreements;
* Electronic contracts: Service Level Agreements (SLAs), requirements
elicitation, automated and semi-automated negotiation, monitoring;
* Agents: personalization, information retrieval, data mining;
* Multidisciplinary integration: multimedia, adaptive user interfaces,
intelligent agents;
* Application of object-oriented and object-relational databases in
* New platforms: Microsoft .NET, Sun One, IBM Web Sphere;
* Use of standard frameworks such as eCO, OBI, OTP or BBEC, focussing
on the object-oriented technology used to put them in practice;
* Run-time extensions of middlewares (CORBA, SunOne, .NET) for supporting
web-based federated systems and quality-aware systems.
The papers should not exceed 15 standard A4 pages (Times New Roman 11 pts.,
12 pts. interline space) and should be e-mailed either as Word or PDF or
PostScript documents to:
Paper Submission: April 30, 2002
Notification of Acceptance: May 31, 2002
Camera-Ready Paper Due: June 30, 2002
All proposals will be reviewed by three members of the scientific and the
industrial committees. In order to ensure that only the high-quality
contributions are published in the book, all proposals will be assigned to
these PC members who have the broadest experience in the field. The proposals
will be reviewed according to their originality, relevance to the topics of
interest, presentation, significance to research, and correctness.
Accepted papers will be published in a book in the "Advances in Computation:
Theory and Practice" - ACTP series (,
by Nova Science Books and Journals, New York, USA.
Bartosz Bebel
Instytut Informatyki Institute of Computing Science
Politechniki Poznañskiej Poznan University of Technology
ul. Piotrowo 3A ul. Piotrowo 3A
60-965 Poznan 60-965 Poznan, POLAND
tel. : +48 61 665 25 29
+48 61 665 20 09
fax : +48 61 877 15 25
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