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Final call for papers
Unification in Non-Classical Logics
--co-located with ICALP 2002--
July, 12-13, 2002, Málaga, Spain
The workshop on Unification in Non-Classical Logics will be held in
Málaga, as a workshop of the 29-th International Colloquium on
Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2002), which is a very
convenient forum for an open discussion of the subject of
non-canonical unification, roughly depicted below.
Aims and scope
Unification in non-classical logics, with various approaches to
handling generalised terms, has drawn more and more attention in
recent years. It turns out to be among the most promising areas of
research on non-classical logics and its applications. So far, most
popular lines of research include fuzzy unification of (conventional)
databases and the use of fuzzy concepts in information retrieval.
Some international events based on these topics have been held so
far, for instance, the 2nd Intl Workshop on Logic Programming and
Soft Computing (LPSC'98), or the special session on Advances in
Possibilistic Logic and Related Issues at the IFSA Congress in
Vancouver, Canada (2001), have non-classical unification among their
This workshop at ICALP is conceived as a forum for the exchange of
ideas relevant for the concept of unification in non-classical
logics, including, but not limited to, the following topics
(practical implementations and experiences as well as theoretical
* Unification in multiple-valued and fuzzy logic programming.
* Unification based on similarities and fuzzy equivalence relations.
* Categorical unification.
* Practical use of non-classical unification,
e.g. in expert systems and information retrieval.
We expect potential participants from the following areas:
multiple-valued logic, fuzzy logic, uncertainty in logic programming,
categorical applications to computer science. The workshop will have
a limited number of presentations and the organizers will apply a
refereeing procedure accordingly.
The format will be as a set of presentations followed by a round
table discussion. As the number of participants is estimated not to
be very large, time enough will be allocated for each presentation
(between 30 and 40 minutes), thus helping to have a relaxed workshop
atmosphere in which discussions are encouraged.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of their papers,
presenting original contributions to the workshop themes.
The workshop proceedings will be published as an issue in the ENTCS
series (Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science).
Submissions should be written in English and not exceed 15 pages
using the ENTCS style, and sent to the organizers in either PS or PDF
form, together with a text-only message containig: title, abstract
and keywords, the author's full names, and address and e-mail for
Simultaneous submission to other meetings with published proceedings
is not allowed.
Important dates
* 20.03.2002 Workshop paper submission deadline
* 21.04.2002 Workshop paper acceptance notification
* 10.05.2002 Workshop paper camera-ready deadline
Organizing Committee
Patrik Eklund Manuel Ojeda-Aciego
Dept. Computing Science Dept. Matematica Aplicada
Umea University Universidad de Malaga
mailto:peklund@cs.umu.se mailto:aciego@ctima.uma.es
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