Special issue of
the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine journal
For details, see
o Submission deadline: 11th October, 2002
o Notification of acceptance: 19th December, 2002
o Final paper: 23th Jaunary, 2003
o Special issue: middle of 2003
Contributions are solicited for a special issue of the Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine journal on the theme of "Hybrid and Multi
Classifiers in Medicine".
Combining the predictions of a set of classifiers has shown to be an
effective way to create composite classifiers that are more accurate than
any of the component classifiers.
There are many methods for combining the predictions given by component
During the past several years, in a variety of application domains,
researchers in machine learning, computational learning theory, pattern
recognition and statistics have re-ignited the effort to learn how to
create and combine an ensemble of classifiers. This research has the
potential to apply accurate composite classifiers to real world problems
by intelligently combining known learning algorithms.
Classifier combination falls within the supervised learning paradigm. This
task orientation assumes that we have been given a set of training
examples, which are customarily represented by feature vectors. Each
training example is labelled with a class target, which is a member of a
finite, and usually small set of class labels. The goal of supervised
learning is to predict the class labels of examples that have not been
Combining the predictions of a set of component classifiers has shown to
yield accuracy higher than the most accurate component on a long variety
of supervised classification problems.
Submissions will be refereed by at least two and in most cases three
referees. Accepted papers will appear in the
special issue of the journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine on Hybrid
and Multi-Layered Classifiers in Medicine.
The guest editor invites submissions of original research
contributions that will discuss one or more artificial
intelligence (Machine Learnig, Pattern Recognition, Data Mining)
topics related with supervised and/or unsupervised classifier
combination in order to outperform the accuracies.
For more information about the special issue, please contact
the editor:
Basilio Sierra, ccpsiarb@si.ehu.es
or consult http://www.sc.ehu.es/AIM/aimej-cfp.html.
- --
Basilio Sierra
Dept. of Computing Science and Artificial Intelligence
Basque Country University
* * *
* Eman ta zabal zazu * Basilio Sierra *
* ##### ###### * Informatika Fakultatea (UPV/EHU) *
* ######### ##### * Konputazio zientziak eta Adimen Artifiziala*
* ##### ## ## ##### * Saila *
* ##### ######### * C.P. 649 20080 DONOSTIA *
* ######### #### ####### * Gipuzkoa SPAIN *
* ### ########## * Tel: (943) 01 51 02 *
* ####### ## * +34 943 01 51 02 *
* ##### * Fax: (943) 21 93 06 *
* ##### * +34 943 21 93 06 *
* ##### * *
* Euskal Herriko Univ. del **********************************************
* Unibertsitatea Pais Vasco * e-mail: ccpsiarb@si.ehu.es *
* * http://www.sc.ehu.es/isg/ *
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