Hi Rich,
I think the reason is the question may be too general and depends on what
you mean by "recent". I am sure there are many new applications .
One, for example, could be modelling gene expression data to understand
the regulation of protein synthesis and its reactions to external and
internal signals.
If that sounds interesting, here is a papers that you could check:
"Using Bayesian networks to analyze Expression data", Friedman et al.
journal of computational biology, Vol 7. no.3. 2000.
On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Rich Neapolitan wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> I sent this request once before and was surprised to obtain no responses. I
> would like to be informed of any recent applications of learning Bayesian
> networks from data.
> Thanks much,
> Rich
> Rich Neapolitan
> Computer Science Department
> Northeastern Illinois University
> 5500 N. St Louis
> Chicago, Illinois 60625
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