11 April 2002
Dear Colleagues,
We are in the process of editing a book on:
Theory and Applications
We would like to invite you to write a chapter for the book.
At the turn of this century, the premiums written by insurance companies were
nearly $2.5 trillion (USD) worldwide, and growing. Many factors will influence
the continued growth of the industry, including such things as a rapidly
changing risk environment and market conditions, but one of the dominant
factors will be technology, and an important component of that will involve
computational intelligence. This will continue the world-wide trend to fuse
intelligence into insurance-based programs.
The main paradigms for generating intelligence in systems include artificial
neural networks, evolutionary computing techniques, chaos theory, fuzzy
systems, and intelligent agents, as well as the fusion of these paradigms.
This novel book brings the reader the recent advances in the theory and
implementation of intelligent paradigms in the insurance industry. It brings
together for the first time the successful applications of intelligent
paradigms, including comparisons with conventional methods, in areas such as
asset allocation, cash-flow analysis, claim processing, classification,
forecasting, fraud detection, insolvency, investments, liability projections,
loss distributions, marketing, pricing and premiums, ratemaking, reinsurance,
survival analysis, taxation, and underwriting.
The intention of this book is to provide a concise introduction to the
particular topic from the vantage point of a newcomer. As such, each chapter
must be complete within itself. Naturally, reference to additional or more
advanced material is expected to be given in the reference section.
Proposals on all relevant topics are invited.
Co-authored chapters are welcome.
Approximate number of pages in each chapter - 30
Publication date - 2003
Important Dates
30 April 2002: Authors are invited to submit summary (one
page) of their proposed chapters as well as their brief resume (CV).
15 May 2002: Acceptance decision.
30 September 2002: Draft chapter due
30 October 2002: Feedback to the authors
30 November 2002: Camera ready chapter due
We will be pleased to offer one copy of this book to the first named author or
the corresponding author to express our appreciation.
Please consider writing one chapter for our book.
Please send your chapter proposal to:
Arnold F. Shapiro
Penn State University
310F Smeal College of Business
University Park, PA 16802-3004
(814) 865-3961
(814) 865-6284(FAX) <>
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