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2 n d C A L L F O R P A P E R S
Joint Workshop of the
ERCIM Working Group on Constraints
and the
CologNet area on Constraint and Logic Programming
Cork Constraint Computation Centre
University College Cork, Ireland.
19th-21st of June, 2002
This workshop will co-locate two events: the seventh meeting of the
ERCIM Working Group on Constraints
co-ordinated by Krzysztof R. Apt, and the first annual workshop of the
CologNet area on Constraint Logic Programming, coordinated by
Francesca Rossi. CologNet is a european-funded network of excellence,
which continues the role played by the CompulogNet network, which
ended in 2001.
The aim of this workshop is to constitute a forum where (mostly
European) researchers on constraints can meet in an informal setting
and discuss their most recent work. The location we chose this year
is especially interesting, since the Cork Constraint Computation
Centre is a new research centre, supported by Science Foundation
Ireland and lead by Eugene Freuder, which is entirely devoted to
studying constraint processing. Thus the workshop participants will
have a unique opportunity to see the centre, meet its members, and
possibly start useful collaborations for the future.
This year's workshop is co-organised by:
- Krzysztof R. Apt, CWI, The Netherlands (k.r.apt@cwi.nl)
- Francois Fages, INRIA, France (francois.fages@inria.fr)
- Eugene Freuder, University College Cork, Ireland (e.freuder@4c.ucc.ie)
- Barry O'Sullivan, University College Cork, Ireland
- Francesca Rossi, University of Padova, Italy (frossi@math.unipd.it)
- Toby Walsh, University of York, UK. (tw@cs.york.ac.uk)
This workshop will cover all aspects of constraint and logic
with particular emphasis on assessing the current state of the art and
identifying future directions.
Call for Papers:
We would like to invite authors to submit papers (preferably up to 10
long in the Springer LNCS
on research on constraint and logic programming, with particular
emphasis on
assessing the current state of the art and identifying future
Submissions may be of one of the following forms, labelled as such on
the title
- a position paper
- a work-in-progress paper
- a standard paper
- a demo description paper.
Proposals for panels are also encouraged.
The submission deadline is April 20, 2002. Please send an electronic
of the paper, in the form of a Postscript Level 2 or PDF file, to
Barry O'Sullivan (b.osullivan@cs.ucc.ie) using the subject line "ERCIM
Workshop Submission".
Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by May 5th, 2002.
Camera-ready version is due May 20th, 2002.
Depending on the sufficient number of high quality submissions, the
organisers plan to publish selected papers in a special volume in an
appropriate book series or a special issue of a journal.
Registration and Scholarships:
There is no registration fee. Participants are asked to register for the
workshop before May 15th 2002 by sending a message to Barry O'Sullivan
(b.osullivan@cs.ucc.ie). The workshop is open to all and not
restricted to ERCIM or CologNet members.
Some scholarships will be available to help students with travel
expenses. Students who need support should contact Barry O'Sullivan
as early as possible.
Invited Speakers:
Two invited talks have been organised for the workshop:
o Manuel Hermenegildo - UPM, Madrid, Spain
"Abstract Verification and Debugging of (C)LP Programs"
o Barbara Smith - University of Huddersfield, UK
"Solve your problem faster by changing the model"
The workshop will take place at the Cork Constraint Computation Centre
(http://www.4c.ucc.ie) at University College Cork, Ireland.
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