[UAI] Industry Track CFP (IEEE ICDM '02)

From: icdm02@kis.maebashi-it.ac.jp
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 13:11:47 PDT

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     IEEE ICDM '02: The 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
                   Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
                 Maebashi TERRSA, Maebashi City, Japan
                          December 9 - 12, 2002
               Home Page: http://kis.maebashi-it.ac.jp/icdm02
             Mirror Page: http://www.wi-lab.com/icdm02

                        CORPORATE SPONSORS:
                        AdIn Research, Inc.
                 The Japan Research Institute, Limited
                      Maebashi Convention Bureau
                      Maebashi City Government
                     Gunma Prefecture Government
                   Maebashi Institute of Technology
            Support Center for Advanced Telecom. Tech. Research
                         US AOARD, AROFE
       In Cooperation with Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

                   Industry Track Call for Papers

    The 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM '02)
    provides a leading international forum for the sharing of original
    research results and practical development experiences among
    researchers and application developers from different data mining
    related areas such as machine learning, automated scientific
    discovery, statistics, pattern recognition, knowledge acquisition,
    soft computing, databases and data warehousing, data visualization,
    and knowledge-based systems. The conference seeks solutions to
    challenging problems facing the development of data mining systems,
    and shapes future directions of research by promoting high quality,
    novel and daring research findings.

    The industry track will be an important feature of IEEE ICDM '02.
    There are two different types of paper submission for IEEE ICDM '02:
         (1) main track submission and
         (2) industry track submission.

    For industry track submission, we ask all authors first check the
    following conditions before paper submission:
         (a) At least one author of each industry track paper should be
             from a company (rather than a university), and the paper
             should be about industrial or other real-world applications of
             data mining.
         (b) The authors whose papers accepted for industry track would
             also be requested to show a demo of the system, if feasible.

    All papers submitted to the Industry Track will be reviewed by the
    mini Industry Track Program Committee, and each accepted industry
    track paper is allocated 2-4 pages in the conference proceedings by
    the IEEE Computer Society Press. All industry track paper submissions
    will be handled electronically. Please use the On-Line Submission Form
    (for industry track) at the IEEE ICDM '02 webpage:
    to submit your papers (the due date is June 5, 2002).
    The mini Industry Track Program Committee

       Koji Sasaki, AdIn Research, Inc., Japan
       Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, KDnuggets, USA

       Charu C. Aggarwal, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA,
       Peter Brockhausen, Swiss Life, Switzerland
       Piew Datta, HNC Software, USA
       Xiaohua (Tony) Hu, DMW Software, USA
       Wynne Hsu, National University of Singapore
       Akihiro Inokuchi, Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Japan
       Thomas Reinartz, DaimlerChrysler AG, Germany
       Marco Richeldi, Telecom Italia Lab, Italy
       Saharon Rosset, Stanford University, USA
       Maiko Sakai, Sofmap Co.,Ltd., Japan
       Arno Siebes, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
       Akemi Tabei, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd, Japan
       Masahiro Terabe, Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc., Japan
       Ruediger Wirth, DaimlerChrysler, Germany
       Katsutoshi Yada, Kansai University, Japan
       Lizhu Zhou, Tsinghua University, China

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