I am writing to announce the first release of Bayesian Network
Tools (BNT), an open-source suite of Java tools for research
probabilistic reasoning.
BNT currently includes the following modules:
- - Exact inference (clique-tree)
- - Sampling-based inference and data generator
- - K2 algorithm for structure learning
- - Graphical BN editor and interconversion suite
- - Experimental GA for structure learning
The alpha release of BNT 1.0 (04 May 2002 build) is now on
Sourceforge and the binaries are available for download with or without
Javadoc by request, from our distribution site. BNT uses the XML
Bayesian Network interchange format and a full release scheduled for 04
Aug 2002 shall include tools for interconversion among many formats.
For more information, please see:
-- ======================================================= William H. Hsu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of CIS, Kansas State University Director, Lab for Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ICQ: 28651394 =======================================================
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