**Call for Papers**
Workshop on Agent Technologies for e-Services ATES 2002
to be held in conjunction with Net.ObjectDays 2002 (NODe 2002)
October 7-10, 2002, Erfurt, Germany
Workshop Chair
Dr. Ryszard Kowalczyk
CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences, Australia
The aim of the workshop is to explore and promote the use of software agent
technologies for e-services including automation support for dynamic and
collaborative discovery, creation, composition, execution, delivery,
monitoring and management of e-services.
Topics of the Workshop
The topics of the workshop include (but are not restricted to) the following
* Agents for customer profiling and identification of needs for e-services
* E-service modeling and description (e.g. agent-based workflow, ontology,
semantic web)
* Agent communication and interactions in e-services (e.g. ACL, protocols)
* Agent-based e-service discovery and selection (e.g. search, filtering,
brokering, matching)
* Agents for e-service creation, composition and integration (e.g.
generation, coordination, collaboration, interoperability)
* Agent-mediated e-service contracting (e.g. RFQ, auctions, negotiations,
* Agents-based e-service execution and delivery (e.g. direct, ASP,
e-portals, mobile, wireless)
* Agents for e-service monitoring, control and management
* Quality of e-services (e.g. agents for evaluation, analysis and assurance
of QoS)
* Agent-related e-service security, privacy and legal aspects
* Agent-based platforms, infrastructure and systems for e-services
* Agent-based e-service applications (e.g. in e-Commerce, e-Business,
e-Government, e-Health, e-Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Customer
Relation Management, Virtual Enterprises, networked and portable information
appliances, mobile devices, multimedia e-services, etc)
For more information, please contact the workshop chair. Further information
on ATES'2002 and NODe'2002 is also available at
http://www.cmis.csiro.au/ATES2002 and http://www.netobjectdays.org .
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