JELIA 2002 - Deadline extensons for the special session devoted
to presentatoins of AI systems.
The submission deadline is extended to: May 28.
The authors will be notified about the decision by: June 6.
Detailed call for submissions follows:
JELIA'02: Call for System Presentations
Aim and Scope
Recent years have resulted in several exciting developments in the
field of AI. High on the list is the emergence of implemented
effective AI systems. The organizers strongly believe that the area of
AI will be further advanced if implemented systems receive appropriate
exposure, implementation and testing methodologies are discussed by
the community, and if the performance and scope of applicability are
presented and compared. In this way, theoretical research in AI will
receive important feedback about its relevance and practicality,
system implementers will learn about competing solutions and their
performance, and AI experts working on practical applications will get
software tools they need.
To further promote this research, as part of the technical program of
JELIA'02 we plan a special session devoted to presentations and
demonstrations of implementations for solving or addressing problems
of importance to all areas in the scope of JELIA'02 and, in particular,
Logic-based AI
Knowledge Representation
Data Mining
Multiagent Systems
Reasoning under Uncertainty
Submissions to this special session should provide a description of
such a system and information on the class of problems (or application
area) it is designed for, theoretical background, major features,
implementation techniques, and testing methodology and experimental
Accepted system descriptions will be published in the conference
proceedings (4 page length limit).
All systems whose descriptions will be accepted for publication in the
conference proceedings, will be demonstrated at a special session at
the conference. The authors should indicate as part of their
if any special computing support will be necessary.
Gerald Pfeifer <>
Mirek Truszczynski <>
Submission Details
The authors should submit a system description in Postscript format to
the organizers of the systems session at
<> by May 28, 2002 (revised deadline).
The system description must be formatted according to the Springer
LNCS/LNAI authors' instructions and cannot exceed 4 pages (all
included). Instructions by Springer can be found at
Important Dates
Submission deadline (REVISED)
May 28, 2002
Acceptance/rejection notification (REVISED)
June 6, 2002
Final version due
June 25, 2002
Benchmark Sets
An important issue for development of effective AI systems is that of
benchmarks. Benchmark problems allow us to compare key features of AI
systems: the range of their applicability and their performance.
Therefore, we invite you to submit statements of problems for possible
inclusion in benchmark sets. These benchmark sets will be distributed
to all participants of the systems session.
Proposals for benchmarks should be submitted by e-mail by May 28, to
the systems session organizers at <>.
About JELIA and JELIA'02
The European Conference on Logics in AI provides a major biennial
forum for the discussion of logic-oriented approaches to artificial
intelligence. It aims to bring together active researchers interested
in all aspects concerning the use of logics in artificial intelligence
to discuss current research, results, and problems and applications of
both a theoretical and practical nature. Moreover, JELIA strives to
foster links and facilitate cross-fertilisation of ideas among
researchers from various disciplines; among researchers from
academia, industry and government; and between theoreticians and
JELIA'02 will be held at the University of Calabria (Rende), in the
area of Cosenza, southern Italy.
-- Mirek Truszczynski ====================================================================== Dept. of Computer Science e-mail: University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506-0046 phone: (859) 257-3961 USA fax: (859) 323-1971 ======================================================================
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