Open Postdoctoral and PhD Researcher Positions
in Vienna, Austria
We kindly invite researchers who are interested in Medical Informatics, in
particular in Temporal Data Abstraction, Protocol-Based Care, Process
Modeling, Intensive Care and Neonatology to apply for two granted
research positions, which are available at Vienna University of Technology,
These two positions will enlarge the Asgaard group located at the
Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems. The new granted
project is part of the research field dealing with Task-Specific
Problem-Solving Methods for Medical Plan Management: From Plan Design to
Information Visualization
To get more Information about the Institute of Software Technology and
Interactive Systems visit http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/.
To get more Information about the Asgaard group visit
In the following we will describe the project, the positions, and how to
apply for these positions.
Project: Gaining New Medical Insights through Temporal Data Abstraction and
Clinical Protocols
The aim of the project is the experimental application and further
development of promising approaches to temporal data abstraction and
support of protocol-based care in neonatal intensive care, in order to
enrich the medical knowledge of the field and to obtain feedback on the
usability and applicability.
Currently, intensive care faces two main problems: First, the medical staff
obtain hosts of data from monitoring devices but lack of means to analyze
them to the degree desirable. Second, while the benefits from computer
support for protocol-based care are generally excepted, it is very
difficult to introduce their computer-supported execution in fields, like
intensive care.
We will design and apply tools for temporal data abstraction, for protocol
development and execution, and for their task-specific visualization to
develop solutions for the above problems in an interdisciplinary way,
building on extensive existing cooperations with several institutions in
the field.
Both the domain of neonatology and computer science will benefit from the
project. First, the knowledge about the physiological processes in
premature neonates will be enriched. Second, state-of-the-art methods for
temporal data abstraction and process modeling will be applied in practical
settings, providing valuable feedback and fostering their further development.
The project is carried out at the Institute of Institute of Software
Technology and Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology in
close cooperation with the General Hospital of Vienna and other
international research institutes.
The two positions available are planned to be filled for >*three*< years -
these three years are already guaranteed - with two fully employed persons
at the Postdoctoral or/and PhD Researcher Positions' level.
The income for a PhD Researcher is 26.750 € including tax each year
(approx. 15.429, 29 € after tax reduction) and the income for Postdoctoral
Researcher 44.270 € including tax each year (approx. 23.141,36 € after
tax reduction)
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the project, one person should have
a computer science background while the other should have a medical
background. Each of them must be acquainted to the other field too, since
the computer scientist has to closely cooperate with physicians and the
medical person has to run complex computer experiments and encode knowledge
in Asbru.
To apply for one of these positions, you should have:
* graduated in Computer Science, Medical Informatics,
Medicine focusing on Intensive Care and Neonatology
(or similar fields),
* intend to do a PhD research.
* speak and write fluently English; German is appreciated, but
not required.
If you are interested in one of these positions, please apply via email to
silvia@asgaard.tuwien.ac.at (Silvia Miksch).
Your application you should include:
* Curriculum vitae
* Publication list, including talks, diploma thesis, etc.
* A personal statement, why you in fact apply for this position
* Contact information (Email, URL, street address, phone, etc.)
* URLs to places you have previously worked.
Further information is available from Silvia Miksch, e-mail:
Closing date: 20 June 2002
The University - and therefore the Institute of Software Technology and
Interactive Systems - is an Equal Opportunity Employer and reserves the
right to consider late applications until the position is filled, to invite
applications, or not to make an appointment.
Silvia Miksch
Vienna University of Technology
Department of Computer Science
Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems (IFS)
Favoritenstrasse 9-11 / 188
A-1040 Vienna, Austria, Europe
email: silvia@ifs.tuwien.ac.at
url: http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/~silvia
phone: +43-1-58801-18824
phone-sec: +43-1-58801-18801
fax: +43-1-58801-18899
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to find me "physically":
2. Stairway, 2. Floor, Orange Area, Room HG0201 *** NEW ROOM ***
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