Applications are invited for a joint postdoctoral research associate
appointment in the Institute for Neural Computation and the Department of
Ophthalmology, both at the University of California, San Diego. This
research project involves the development and application of machine
learning algorithms and statistical analysis to biomedical data. In
particular, we are interested in developing novel machine learning
algorithms for the diagnosis and prediction of Glaucoma based on visual
fields and retinal imaging as well as structural analysis of the retina.
Specific information about the project can be found in publications
available from the web link below.
This research is in close collaboration with Te-Won Lee INC, UCSD (Principal
Investigator) and co-PI: Michael Goldbaum, Pamela Sample, Linda Zangwill,
Robert Weinreb (UCSD Medical School), Adam Hoover (CES, Clemson) and Terry
Sejnowski (INC, UCSD & Salk Institute).
Prospective candidates should hold a Ph.D. in computer science or electrical
engineering or related fields with expertise in machine learning algorithms,
Bayesian networks and statistical analysis. Experience with biomedical data
is ideal but not required. Skills in matlab and C++ are required.
More information can be found in
Please send via regular mail or email:
A detailed resume, list of publications, 3 references and a research
interest description.
Te-Won Lee
Te-Won Lee, Ph.D.
Institute for Neural Computation - MC0523
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92039-0523, USA
858-534-9662 office
858-534-2014 fax
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