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Second Announcement June 2002
European Summer School in Cooperative Robotics
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
September, 2-7, 2002
Teams of mobile robots, whether operating in fully autonomous, partly
autonomous, or remotely-controlled way, are expected to play a
fundamental role in many critical areas in the near future.
teams already start to be used in rescue operations, in wherehouse
management, and in industrial production settings, as well as in the
growing entertainment industry.
Typical graduate student curricula may include background courses in
autonomous robotics, as well as in techniques for cooperative agents
often based on the artificial intelligence tradition. Students are
seldomly provided, however, with courses that apply the latter
techniques to robotic problems. This is unfortunate, since this
would give students the required background to perform both
fundamental and applied research in cooperative robotics.
This Summer School aims at filling this training gap. The main
objective of the School is to provide graduate students in robotics a
unique training and human experience. Students will be exposed to
both the traditional and the latest technologies for cooperative
robotics, and will closely interact for one week with some of the top
level researchers in the world. They will have the opportunity to
discuss their research work with these researchers, as well as with
other European students.
The following topics will be developed in the lectures. All topics
be illustrated in the context of robotic applications.
o Cooperative perception for world modeling and localization
o Cooperative planning
o Goal and task allocation for teamwork
o Multi-robot control and formation control
o Learning in a multi-robot cooperative setting
The School will last one week (6 days) from Monday to Saturday --
September 2nd to 7th. It will offer several types of activities,
o Lectures
o Laboratories
o Student presentations
o Joint discussions
Lectures will be half day and will provide a strong background on the
School topics. Laboratory work will be associated to some of the
lectures. Student presentations will include a self-introduction
round in the first day where students present their experience and
research subject to everyone. Ample room will be provided for group
discussions, interactions between students and teachers, and social
activities. In particular, the School will feature a joint
discussion about the open research directions in the field of
cooperative robotics.
A more detailed description of the School format, and a preliminary
agenda, are available at the School homepage below.
The following teachers have confirmed their participation:
o Rachid Alami (LAAS/CNRS, France) -- Cooperative planning
o Ronald Arkin (Georga Tech, USA) -- Multi-robot and formation control
o Daniele Nardi (Univ of Rome, Italy) -- Reactivity and Deliberation in
Multi-Robot Systems
o Milind Tambe (ISI, USA) -- Teamwork
o Steffen Gutmann (Sony, Japan) -- Cooperative Perception
o Martin Riedmiller (Univ. Dortmund, Germany) -- Cooperative Learning
The School is open to PhD students and young post-docs from any
institution in any part of the world. Participants are not expected
to have any specific previous experience in those topics, although
they are expected to have familiarity with autonomous robotics and
artificial intelligence.
The total number of participants is limited to 30. To apply for
admission, fill the online "application form" at the School homepage
by June 30, 2002. Admission priority will be given to students coming
from members of the EURON Network. Admission decisions will be mailed
on July 15. Admitted students will have to register to the School by
August 15.
Registration fee is 250 euro for students from institutions which are
members of EURON, and 400 euro for other participants. The fee
includes lodging, breakfasts, lunches, course material, and a social
dinner. Lodging (Sept 1-7, single or double rooms) will be in IST
student dorms at Parque das Nacoes, connected to the School location
by underground.
The School is sponsored by the European Network on Robotics Research
(EURON) through the Interest Group in Cooperative Robotics.
Additional sponsors include the Instituto Superior Tecnico of Lisbon,
A limited amount of grants will be available for students. If you
are interested in obtaining a grant, please fill the online "grant
request" form at the School website at the time of your application.
o Chairs:
Isabel Ribeiro (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal)
Alessandro Saffiotti (Orebro University, Orebro, Sweden)
o Organizing committee:
Gerhard Kraetzschmar (University of Ulm, Germany)
Pedro Lima (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal)
Joao Sequeira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
o Secretariat: euron2@isr.ist.utl.pt
June 30 : Submit applications for admission
July 15 : Admission decisions mailed
August 1 : Grant decisions mailed
August 15 : Registration deadline
Pedro M. U. A. Lima
Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica,
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Torre Norte
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa
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