[UAI] FLAIRS'03 Call for Special Tracks Proposals

From: Rosina Weber (Rosina.Weber@cis.drexel.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 20 2002 - 13:13:08 PDT

  • Next message: Nina Mishra Fox: "[UAI] MLJ Special Issue: Theoretical Advances in Data Clustering"

    Please accept my apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call.


    The 16th International FLAIRS Conference

    --- Call for Special Track Proposals ---

          Casa Monica Hotel
          St. Augustine, FL
          May 11-15, 2003

       Deadline for submission of proposals on July 19, 2002

    As the Special Tracks Coordinator of FLAIRS 2003, I would like
     to invite AI researchers to propose a special track for the 2003
     International FLAIRS Conference, to be held at the Casa Monica
    Hotel, St. Augustine, FL, May 11-15, 2003. A special track usually
    consists of presentation of papers in an AI sub discipline or
    special field, refereed by researchers and practitioners in the
    field. Unlike workshops, where position papers and reports on
    initial and intended work are appropriate, papers selected for
     a special track should report on significant unpublished work
    suitable for publication as a conference paper.

    If you are interested in proposing a special track, please send
     me a proposal as described below, by the deadline. The FLAIRS
    organizing committee will respond to you on the acceptance of
    the proposal by August 4, 2002. We expect this timetable to
    provide sufficient time for publicity of the special tracks.

    If you know of some AI colleague who might be interested in
    proposing a track, please share this announcement with her/him
    or send me the e-mail address of the colleague.

    The conference will provide an umbrella for running all special
     tracks. This entails affiliation with a well-known and well-
    publicized conference, in addition to all the logistics of
    actually holding such a meeting. High quality papers with
    the level of maturity for a journal publication will be
    considered to be included in a special issue of the International
     Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT) devoted to
    FLAIRS-03. Special tracks papers are also considered for best
    paper award.

    Here's a summary of the main aspects in chairing a special track.

    · First time chairs will submit new special tracks to the coordinator.
    · ST chairs will invite a program committee to support the special track.
    · ST chairs will indicate the list of committee members to the
     program chairs as designated reviewers.
    · These designated reviewers for each ST will register at the
    FLAIRS reviewing website as reviewers and will indicate the ST
    for which they will review papers.
    · Reviewers for the FLAIRS general conference will also be
    able to register to review papers for a ST within their field.
     This will broaden the input to the ST.
    · All reviews will be submitted to the centralized FLAIRS
    reviewing website.
    · All ST papers will be made available to the ST chair along
     with all the reviews at the FLAIRS reviewing website. If the
    ST wants additional members of his/her committee to have access
    to the reviews, this can be arranged with the program chairs.
    · When all papers are reviewed, each ST chair will provide an
    ordering of quality for papers in the track.
    · The final decision of which papers will be accepted will be
     made by the program chairs in consultation with the special
    tracks coordinator and will be based on all reviews and the
    ordering established by the ST chairs. The final decision about
     how many of the ST papers to accept for each track will be
    based on available space at the conference and quality of papers in the ST
    · The ST chairs are welcome to invite speakers for the tracks
     and to suggest panels in order to leverage the participation
    of important researchers in the event.
    · The program chairs and the ST coordinator will meet to prepare
     the advance program, defining the final number of papers accepted
     for presentation and the planning the conference including invited
    speakers and panels.
    · We will try to accommodate as many of the ST chairs preferences as we

    Please find below the details to be included in your proposal and
    more specific guidelines and responsibilities of a ST organizer
    for FLAIRS 2003, important dates, and a (nonrestrictive) list of
     suggested topics. Please contact me (Rosina.Weber@drexel.edu)
    with any questions that are not answered by the information below,
     or would like to find out more about proposing a special track
    for FLAIRS 2003.

    I look forward to hearing from you,

    Rosina Weber
    FLAIRS 2003 Special Tracks Coordinator

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


    1. Track Title
    2. Rough estimate of size (# of sessions / papers) Usually, 4-5 papers per
    session, 1-3 sessions

    per track
    3. Track Program Committee
    4. Draft of your call for papers


    · You are free to/responsible for choosing your organizing committee,
    consisting of

    researchers/practitioners in the field.
    · You are free to decide the focus of your track, in consultation with
    your organizing

    · You will directly publicize your track.
    · You can invite co-chairs and program committee chairs, but each track
    is supposed to have

    one contact chair only who will communicate with the ST coordinator.
    · You are encouraged to independently publicize your track in
    newsgroups, websites,

    magazines etc.
    · You must put up a web page to publicize your track and provide the
    Special Tracks

    Coordinator with the URL to link to the FLAIRS conference web page.
    · You will notify authors of acceptance/rejection of submissions.
    · By August 22, send a copy of your call for papers to the
    coordinator/URL of your call.
    · By December 10th (tentative deadline), you must send to Special
    Tracks Coordinator a list

    of the papers submitted to your track, ordered according to their quality.
    You will also indicate

    potential panels that can be designed based on authors that are likely to
    attend the conference.

    You are welcome to indicate your preferences for scheduling your session
    (the time, the structure,

    and the order of presentations in your sessions).
    · After program chairs announce the final list of accepted papers, you
    must send a list with

    the finalized track organizing committee, including their affiliations;
    authors of accepted

    papers, and affiliations.
    · Information regarding registration, camera-ready copy submission and
    accommodation will be

    sent to you to be distributed to your participants/authors/committee
    · You are responsible for having your accepted authors send their
    camera-ready versions by

    the deadline to be announced to an address to be specified in due course.

    · You are responsible for chairing your track and controlling the
    length of presentations.

    If for some reason, you cannot attend the conference, you must arrange for
    someone else in your

    committee to chair the track and inform us of the same.
    · FLAIRS will not pay any salaries or reimburse organizers for their
    time spent.
    · Registration fee is NOT waived for track organizers. If you invite
    someone to present at

    your track, your invitee is still expected to register for the conference.


    Deadline for proposals July 19, 2002
    Notice of acceptance August 04, 2002
    Deadline paper submissions October 25, 2002
    Notification of acceptance January 7, 2002
    Camera-ready deadline February 17, 2003


    AI architectures
    AI planning and evaluation (e.g., budgeting) of potential AI systems
    Art and music
    Artificial life
    Automated modeling
    Automated reasoning
    Autonomous agents
    Conceptual graphs
    Constraint programming
    Constraint satisfaction
    Creativity in AI
    Decision theory
    Decision trees
    Description logics
    Dialogue management
    Distributed AI
    Expert systems
    Fielded applications of AI
    Fuzzy logic
    Fuzzy set theory
    Game playing
    Genetic algorithms
    Human computer interaction
    Information Extraction
    Intelligent databases
    Intelligent information retrieval
    Intelligent user interfaces
    Knowledge acquisition
    Knowledge discovery
    Lexical resources
    Logic programming
    Machine learning
    Machine translation
    Maintenance of AI systems
    Mathematical foundations
    Model-based reasoning
    Multiagent systems
    Natural language generation
    Natural language parsing
    Natural language processing
    Natural language understanding
    Neural networks
    Nonmonotonic reasoning
    Ontology learning
    Probabilistic reasoning
    Qualitative reasoning
    Real-time systems
    Reasoning under uncertainty
    Software Agents
    Tutoring systems
    User modeling
    Virtual reality

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