JELIA 2002
8th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence
September 23-26, 2002
* Register online today at *
* Early registration deadline: June 15, 2002 *
The European Conference on Logics in AI provides a major biennial forum for
the discussion of logic-oriented approaches to artificial intelligence. It
aims to bring together active researchers interested in all aspects
concerning the use of logics in artificial intelligence to discuss current
research, results, and problems and applications of both a theoretical and
practical nature. Moreover, Jelia strives to foster links and facilitate
cross-fertilisation of ideas among researchers from various disciplines;
among researchers from academia, industry and government; and between
theoreticians and practitioners.
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Michael Gelfond (Texas Tech University, USA)
Georg Gottlob (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Moshe Vardi (Rice University, USA)
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V.S. Subrahamanian (Univ. of Maryland, USA): Logic based agents
Dino Pedreschi and Fosca Giannotti (Univ. of Pisa, Italy): Logic and data
Gerald Pfeifer (Vienna Univ. of Tech., Austria): Answer set programming
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Eyal Amir,
Interpolation Theorems for Nonmonotonic Reasoning Systems
Helle Hvid Hansen and Marc Pauly,
Axiomatising Nash-Consistent Coalition Logic
Davy Van Nieuwenborgh and Dirk Vermeir,
Towards service description logics
Thomas Linke, Christian Anger, Kathrin Koczak,
More on NoMoRe
P. Besnard, T. Schaub, H. Tompits, S. Woltran,
Paraconsistent Reasoning via Quantified Boolean Formulas, I: Axiomatising
Signed Systems
G. Brewka, I. Niemel"a, T. Syrj"anen,
Implementing Ordered Disjunction Using Answer Set Solvers for Normal Programs
Yann Loyer and Umberto Straccia,
Uncertainty and Partial Non-Uniform Assumptions in Parametric Deductive
Hudson Turner,
Polynomial-Length Planning Spans the Polynomial Hierarchy
M. Dekhtyar, A. Dikovsky and M. Valiev,
Complexity of Multi-Agent Systems Behavior
Sébastien Konieczny and Pierre Marquis,
Three-valued Logics for Inconsistency Handling
J. Dix, H. Munoz-Avila, D. Nau, L. Zhang,
Planning in a Multi-Agent Environment: Theory and Practice
Panos Rondogiannis and William W. Wadge,
An Infinite-Valued Semantics for Logic Programs with Negation
Dongmo Zhang and Norman Foo,
Interpolation Properties of Action Logic: Lazy-formalization to the Frame
Costantini, S. and Tocchio, A.,
A Logic Programming Language for Multi-Agent Systems
A. Ciampolini, E. Lamma, P. Mello and P. Torroni,
A Proof-system for the Safe Execution of Tasks in Multi-Agent Systems
J. J. Alferes, A. Brogi, J. A. Leite and L. M. Pereira,
Evolving Logic Programs
Pascal Nicolas, Frédéric Saubion, Igor Stéphan,
Answer Set Programming by Ant Colony Optimization
E. Giunchiglia, M. Maratea, A. Tacchella,
Dependent and Independent Variables in Propositional Satisfiability
T. Eiter, W. Faber, N. Leone, G. Pfeifer, A. Polleres,
Answer Set Planning under Action Costs
G. Governatori, V. Padmanabhan, Ab Sattar,
On Fibring Semantics for BDI Logics
J. J. Alferes, P. Dell'Acqua, L. M. Pereira,
A Compilation of Updates plus Preferences
Koji IWANUMA and Katsumi INOUE,
Minimal Answer Computation and SOL
Tran Cao Son and Enrico Pontelli,
Reasoning About Actions in Prioritized Default Theory
Gianluigi Greco and Ester Zumpano,
Complexity and Optimal Algorithms for the Matching of Bug and Set Terms
Tomi Janhunen and Emilia Oikarinen,
Testing the Equivalence of Logic Programs under Stable Model Semantics
S. Krajci, R. Lencses, J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego,
A. Valverde and P. Vojtas, Non-Commutativity and Expressive Deductive Logic
João Alcântara, Carlos Viegas Damásio, Luís Moniz Pereira,
Paraconsistent Logic Programs
A.B98 Montanari, G. Sciavicco, N. Vitacolonna
Decidability of Interval Temporal Logics over Split-Frames via Granularity
Leila Amgoud and Simon Parsons
An argumentation framework for merging conflicting knowledge bases
Christoph Beierle, Gabriele Kern-Isberner
Using Institutions for the Study of Qualitative and Quantitative
Conditional Logics
M. El-Sayed and D. Pacholczyk
A qualitative reasoning with nuanced information
Rosalba Giugno and Thomas Lukasiewicz
P-SHOQ(D): A Probabilistic Extension of SHOQ(D) for Probabilistic
Ontologies in the Semantic Web
A. Artale, E. Franconi, F. Wolter, M. Zakharyaschev
A Temporal Description Logic for Reasoning over Conceptual Schemas and Queries
Richard J. Wallace
Representing possibilities in relation to constraints and agents
Graham White
A Modal Formulation of McCain and Turner's Theory of Causal Reasoning
Cesare Tinelli
A Simple and Extensible Calculus for the Davis-Putnam Procedure
Laura Giordano and Camilla Schwind
Towards a Conditional Logic of Actions and Causation
F. Sadri, F. Toni, and P. Torroni
An abductive logic programming architecture for negotiating agents
Andrzej Szalas
Second-Order Quantifier Elimination in Modal Contexts
R. A. Schmidt and D. Tishkovsky
MultiAgent Logics of Dynamic Belief and Knowledge
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