Getting Started

Unlike written documents, in which the author has absolute control over the final format of his or her work, the appearance of on-line documents can sometimes change, depending on the browser software and the hardware that the viewer is using. In order to reach the widest possible audience, this primer was designed for and tested with both Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers, as well as both Windows and Macintosh computers. However, there are certain settings at which the primer will look its best.

Recommended Screen Resolution

* 640x480 minimum

* 800x600 or higher recommended

Recommended Color Settings

* 256 colors minimum

* High Color (16 bit) recommended

For Microsoft Windows users, the screen resolution and color settings can be adjusted by modifying the "Display" properties in the "Control

Panel." For Macintosh users,these settings can be adjusted in the "Monitors and Sound" Control Panel.

Recommended Browsers

* Netscape Navigator Version . 4.0 or newer

* Internet Explorer Version 4.0 or newer


Netscape and Microsoft both offer free copies of their latest browsers and can be contacted at the Internet addresses given below.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Netscape Navigator .