Assignment 1 Code Blog
- What challenges or troubles did you have completing this assignment. How did you work through them?
- I struggled with the beginning of the assignment where it was necessary to clone the repository and get
it open in a text editor. I worked through it by looking through our class notes and asking TA's for help.
- What did you learn from this assignment? What did you already know?
- I learned the basics of GitHub and how it helps you implement Git. Something I already knew was the basics of HTML.
- What resources (e.g. specific web articles, the class Campuswire forum, the TAs) were most helpful in completing this assignment? How did you use these resources?
- The most helpful were the TA's however the questions asked on Ed were often helpful as well.
Link to my main page
Assignment 2 Code Blog
- What was challenging about the assignment, and what specific kinds of problems did you have. How did you solve those problems?
- I struggled with the positioning of the webpage, especially the posts. I could not get them all symmetrical
and in a grid like they should be. I solved this by looking back at our notes and in class code, as well as asking the TA's for help.
- What did you learn from the assignment? Were there any special insights you had? What did you find that you already knew?
- I learned how to structure a web page so that it is easier to navigate and can be interactive based on if the user hovers over something or resizes the page.
I found that I knew how to change something when the user is hovering on it from our lectures, but I did not know how to do any of this prior because I do not
have any experience with web developement.
- What kinds of resources were helpful for completing the assignment? Specific websites? Lectures? The class Piazza forum? The TAs? How did you use each of these resources?
- My main resource for this assignment was looking back at the lecture notes, but when I did not understand how the notes applied to my code, I would go to the TA's for help
and they were really useful. I would go through the changes we were supposed to make to the website, look through the lecture notes for information on that, and if that was not enough
head into office hours.
- What are one or two things you had to Google to complete the assignment?
- To complete this assignment, I Googled some information about how to get things positioned in a grid-like fashion using CSS.
Assignment 3 Code Blog
- What was challenging about the assignment, and what specific kinds of problems did you have. How did you solve those problems?
- What was challenging for me was getting the filters to work correctly. Specifically, to make the posts stay ordered and formatted correctly, but I figured it out by searching online and
looking at our class notes.
- What did you learn from the assignment? Were there any special insights you had? What did you find that you already knew?
- I learned how to handle events and manipulate the DOM with javascript. I found that I knew how to create and call functions based on previous CS classes.
- What kinds of resources were helpful for completing the assignment? Specific websites? Lectures? The class Piazza forum? The TAs? How did you use each of these resources?
- The TA's and our class notes were both extremely helpful. If there was something specific I did not know, I would look if there was information about it in our
lectur notes, otherwise I would try looking it up first and if that did not come up with any good sources, I would go to office hours.
- What are one or two things you had to Google to complete the assignment?
- To complete this assignment, I Googled info about how to handle the radio buttons and how to do some of the filtering.
Assignment 5 Code Blog
- What was challenging about the assignment, and what specific kinds of problems did you have. How did you solve those problems?
- What was challenging about this assignment was figuring out what portions go in what handlebars pages and how to get the filters to still work.
Once I got all my pages to look correct, my posts page still did not work when filtered or support adding a post. To solve this I tried to look
up solutions, checked our class notes, and went to the TA's for help.
- What did you learn from the assignment? Were there any special insights you had? What did you find that you already knew?
- I learned how to templatize html pages using handlebars, how to work with the client side and server side, especially the process of routing the user to
the correct page.
- What kinds of resources were helpful for completing the assignment? Specific websites? Lectures? The class Piazza forum? The TAs? How did you use each of these resources?
- I used the class notes and TA's for help completing the assignment. I went to the TA's office hours so that I could show them my code in person and get specific help instead of looking up more broad questions.
- What are one or two things you had to do an internet search for to complete the assignment?
- To complete this assignment, I had to look what example server files look like and what to place into partials or the main layout to correctly templatize a html page.