College of Engineering Values Statement

The first goal of Oregon State's College of Engineering is to foster an inclusive and collaborative community. OSU has been putting efforts in to meet this goal and make enginnering a welcoming place for everyone. The ecampus options for engineering degrees make the programs more inclusive and give students that are not able to physically be on campus the chance to parktake in the same education as students on campus. One portion of the curriculum that promotes a collaboritive environment is Enginneering+. In these courses, students from all engineering majors learn the importance of working with and understanding each other. Clubs on campus incorpate both inclusivity and collaboration as they let you find your place within engineering and meet poeple similar to yourself. One club I am a part of is the Society of Women Engineers and it has made me more confident that I belong in Enginnering and allowed me to gain the perspectives of other women in enginnering.

The second goal of OSU'S College of Engineering is to offer an educational experience that transforms students and makes them into graduates who drive change for long after they leave college. One way this is made possible is by having job fairs, resume workshops, internship workshops, and other career developement opportunities. These show students the types of work they can engage in after they graduate and encourage them to find a facet of engineering they are passionate about. To help Oregon State continue furthering this goal, I can give them feedback on their educational exoereicne from a student's perspective. This would help them make improvements for future students and create more graduates who are driven and want to make a difference through their career.