Archaeometry at OSU’s Radiation Center

   Recent and on-going research projects:

Project ArAGATS

Adam T. Smith, University of Chicago


Illuminating the institutional fabric and political economy that drove political centralization and consolidation in Transcaucasia during the Late Bronze Age of the mid-Second Millennium B.C.

Historic St. Mary’s City

Dr. RuthAnn Armitage, Eastern Michigan University


Investigating colonial brick-making technology and determining the provenance of bricks and tiles used in the construction of historic buildings at the colonial capital of Maryland. 

Economic Change among the Tlahuica

Dr. Michael E. Smith, SUNY-Albany


Understanding the impact of Aztec imperial expansion and conquest on the economy of the Tlahuica of Morelos, Mexico.

INAA is contributing to the research goals of these and other projects.

Inca Mummies and Imperial Ritual

Dr. Tamara Bray, Wayne State University


Determining the geographic origin of ceramics interred with high-elevation Inca sacrifices associated with the imperial capacocha ceremony.

Monte Alban Ceramics and the Early Zapotec State

Dr. Charles Spencer and Dr. Christina Elson, AMNH

Dr. Jason Sherman, University of Michigan


A collaborative project with the American Museum of Natural History and UM to examine the origins of market exchange in the Valley of Oaxaxa.


For preliminary results, see our Oaxaca Report.