This page was last updated on: August 8, 2020
The vertex shader looks like this:
out vec3 vMCposition;
out float vLightIntensity;
out float vZ;
out vec2 vST;
main( )
vST =;
vec3 tnorm = normalize( vec3( gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal ) );
vec3 LightPos = vec3( -2., 0., 10. );
vec3 ECposition = vec3( gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex );
vZ = ECposition.z;
vLightIntensity = dot( normalize(LightPos - ECposition), tnorm );
vLightIntensity = abs( LightIntensity );
vMCposition =;
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
The fragment shader looks like this:
in vec3 vMCposition;
in float vLightIntensity;
in float vZ;
in vec2 vST;
uniform float Ad;
uniform float Bd;
uniform float NoiseAmp;
uniform float NoiseFreq;
uniform float Alpha;
uniform float Tol;
uniform sampler3D Noise3;
uniform float ChromaBlue;
uniform float ChromaRed;
uniform float Blend;
const vec3 BEAVER = vec3( 1., .5, 0. );
const vec3 WHITE = vec3( 1., 1., 1.);
// return 0. if < left-tol or > right+tol
// return 1. if >= left+tol and <= right-tol
// else blend
Pulse( float value, float left, float right, float tol )
float t = ( smoothstep( left-tol, left+tol, value ) - smoothstep( right-tol, right+tol, value ) );
return t;
ChromaDepth( float t )
t = clamp( t, 0., 1. );
float r = 1.;
float g = 0.0;
float b = 1. - 6. * ( t - (5./6.) );
if( t <= (5./6.) )
r = 6. * ( t - (4./6.) );
g = 0.;
b = 1.;
if( t <= (4./6.) )
r = 0.;
g = 1. - 6. * ( t - (3./6.) );
b = 1.;
if( t <= (3./6.) )
r = 0.;
g = 1.;
b = 6. * ( t - (2./6.) );
if( t <= (2./6.) )
r = 1. - 6. * ( t - (1./6.) );
g = 1.;
b = 0.;
if( t <= (1./6.) )
r = 1.;
g = 6. * t;
return vec3( r, g, b );
main( )
vec4 noisevec = texture3D( Noise3, NoiseFreq*vMCposition );
float n = noisevec[0] + noisevec[1] + noisevec[2] + noisevec[3]; // 1. -> 3.
n = ( n - 2. ); // -1. -> 1.
vec2 st = vST;
st.s *= 2.;
float Ar = Ad/2.;
float Br = Bd/2.;
int numinu = int( st.s / Ad );
int numinv = int( st.t / Bd );
vec3 TheColor = WHITE;
float alfa = 1.;
st.s -= float(numinu) * Ad;
st.t -= float(numinv) * Bd;
vec3 upvp = vec3( st, 0. );
vec3 cntr = vec3( Ar, Br, 0. );
vec3 delta = upvp - cntr;
float oldrad = length( delta );
float newrad = oldrad + NoiseAmp*n;
delta = delta * newrad / oldrad;
float du = delta.x/Ar;
float dv = delta.y/Br;
float d = du*du + dv*dv;
if( abs( d - 1. ) <= Tol )
float t = smoothstep( 1.-Tol, 1.+Tol, d );
TheColor = mix( BEAVER, WHITE, t );
//alfa = mix( 1., 0., t );
if( d <= 1.-Tol )
TheColor = BEAVER;
if( d >= 1.+Tol )
alfa = Alpha;
if( alfa == 0. )
float t = (2./3.) * ( vZ - ChromaRed ) / ( ChromaBlue - ChromaRed );
t = clamp( t, 0., 2./3. );
vec3 rgb = ChromaDepth( t );
TheColor = mix( TheColor, rgb, Blend );
gl_FragColor = vec4( vLightIntensity*TheColor, alfa );