CS 453/553 -- Spring Quarter 2019

Project #7: ParaView Terrain Visualization

100 Points

Due: May 22

This page was last updated: May 9, 2019


This must be done with ParaView.

The Mount Hood terrain data is available in the file terrain.csv. It has 512 values in the X direction, 361 values in Y, and 1 value in Z.

Its TableToStructuredGrid properties will look like:

Note that the data columns Elevation and Z are replicas of each other. This is so that you can use Z for the z-coordinate and Elevation for the coloring. (You could have also replicated this yourself using the Calculator.)

You can use this dataset, or supply your own.


  1. Display the data as a terrain surface.

  2. Be sure to scale the X coordinate by (511./360.) = 1.4194 using a Transform filter.

  3. Decide how much, if any, height exaggeration you want.

  4. Pick an appropriate color transfer function to display height.

  5. Alter that transfer function to put a special color on the lowest locations: brown if there is ground there, or blue if there is water there.

  6. Alter that transfer function to put white on the highest locations.

  7. Draw contour lines on the terrain. Pick a solid color for tem that contrasts well with your transfer function. Pick a line width that makes them visible without being overbearing.

ParaView Notes

The Terrain Visualization portion of the ParaView notes are on slides 94 - 103.
The Choosing Colors portion of the ParaView notes are on slides 27- 33.
The Saving Images and Stereographics portions of the ParaView notes are on slides 110 - 117.

The Turn-in:

Your turn-in will be a PDF report showing images of the following:

  1. Your terrain display, with height exaggeration and correct color coding
  2. Your contour lines
  3. What height exaggeration did you use, and why?
  4. What color transfer function did you use to use and why? There is no right or wrong answer here, I am just curious why you chose what you chose.
  5. If you used your own data, tell me about it! What is it? Where did it come from? What are using it to show?

You don't need to create a video for this project.


Item Points
Correct terrain surface30
Informative height exaggeration 20
Good choice of transfer function 10
Brown/Blue and White sections 10
Potential Total 100