# This is a general array importer header file which will import the data # in "temp_wind.lis". This data is on a regular grid of longitude and latitude. # There are 144 longitude points, and 73 latitude points. At each location there # is a value for temperature (scalar) and wind velocity (2-vector). # The layout keyword describes how the data are formatted. The first number # is the number of characters to ignore before reading the first data value. # The second number is the number of characters for the temperature. The # third number is the number of characters to skip before finding the # wind value, and in this case is 0. The fourth number is the number of # characters for each component of the 2-vector for wind. # The majority keyword indicates that the data is organized by column # majority, meaning that the first dimension (longtitude) varies fastest. # That is, the data values for the first longitude and latitude position are # read, then the data values for the second longitude and first latitude are # read, and so on. The interleaving keyword indicates that the temperature # and wind fields are interleaved. The header keyword indicates how many # lines at the top of the file to skip before reading the data, and the # positions keyword gives the longitude origin and delta, and the latitude # origin and delta for the grid. file = temp_wind.lis grid = 144 x 73 field = temperature, wind_velocity structure = scalar, 2-vector # 25 bytes for time and 14 bytes for pressure (= 39) to ignore # 14 bytes each for temperature and the components of the wind velocity layout = 39, 14, 0, 14 majority = column interleaving = field header = lines 9 positions = -178.75, 2.5, 90.0, -2.5