The files in this directory show some examples of how to use dxlink to communicate with Data Explorer. Copy the files in this directory to your own directory, rename the appropriate makefile (Makefile_ibm6000, etc.) to Makefile, then type either make to make all the demos or make sealevel or make maptoplane or make xapp or make xapp_supervise or make demoapp to make an executable. To run, simply type sealevel or maptoplane or xapp or xapp_supervise or demoapp netlist The sealevel example sends a series of isosurface values to a visual program. The maptoplane example not only sends a series of maptoplane positions, but it also receives information (the maximum value on the maptoplane) back from Data Explorer. The xapp example creates a standalone motif application which presents a set of radio buttons. Depending on which radio button is pushed, a different set of Data Explorer script language commands are sent to the executive. Output is listened for and handled using DXOutputValue and DXLSetValueHandler. The output (the max value of the field) is presented in the motif window. The xapp_supervise example creates a standalone motif application which presents a set of radio buttons. Depending on which radio button is pushed, a different filename is sent to a previously defined macro. An image is created and displayed within the user- created gui. Interaction within the image is possible using the SuperviseWindow and SuperviseState modules. The demoapp example creates a graphical user interface containing a number of thumbnail images (specified in the netlist file). When the user presses a button corresponding to the thumbnail, a visual program is loaded so that the user can see the particular visualization.