This directory contains sample .c, .mdf, and makefiles for creating the sample modules discussed in the Programmer's reference. For instructions on how to create the various modules, please refer to the Programmer's reference. As one example, to create the hello module, type make -f Makefile_architecturename hello This will make a version of dxexec which includes the hello module. To run dx using the hello module, type dx -mdf hello.mdf -exec ./dxexec Note that if you load the visual programs in this directory without specifying the mdf file to the ui, or if you try to run without specifying the appropriate dxexec, errors will occur. Because Data Explorer does not distribute HDF libraries, we do not include a makefile for the import examples, which for illustrative purposes use HDF. If you want to compile these programs, you can start with the appropriate template for your architecture in /usr/lpp/samples/user (e.g. Makefile_inboard_ibm6000, or Makefile_inboard_sgi). If you have the HDF libraries on your system, then simply add the appropriate library to the LIBS line and add the appropriate include directory to the CFLAGS line. If you do not have the HDF libraries on your system, and just want to use the import .c files as a template, you'll need to comment out all of the HDF specific code before compiling the programs. Note that you can also compile this as an outboard or runtime-loadable module by using the appropriate makefile and modifying the .mdf file for the import program as appropriate (see the examples in samples/user).