MODULE Add CATEGORY User DESCRIPTION Adds a number to a field INPUT data; field; (none); field to add to INPUT addend; scalar; 0; value to add to field OUTPUT result; field; result of adding value to field MODULE Add2 CATEGORY User DESCRIPTION Adds two fields together INPUT field1; field; (none); first field INPUT field2; field; (none); second field OUTPUT result; field; result of adding first field to second field MODULE Add2Invalid CATEGORY User DESCRIPTION Adds two fields together INPUT field1; field; (none); first field INPUT field2; field; (none); second field OUTPUT result; field; result of adding first field to second field MODULE AddParallel CATEGORY User DESCRIPTION Adds a number to a field INPUT data; field; (none); field to add to INPUT addend; scalar; 0; value to add to field OUTPUT result; field; result of adding value to field MODULE AverageCell CATEGORY Transformation DESCRIPTION computes the average of all the neighboring data values INPUT input; field; (none); input field OUTPUT output; field; averaged field MODULE AverageCellParallel CATEGORY Transformation DESCRIPTION computes the average of all the neighboring data values INPUT input; field; (none); input field OUTPUT output; field; averaged field MODULE Hello CATEGORY Greetings DESCRIPTION Prefixes "hello" to the input string INPUT value; string; "world"; input string OUTPUT greeting; string; prefixed string MODULE HelloErrorChecking CATEGORY Greetings DESCRIPTION Prefixes "hello" to the input string INPUT value; string; "world"; input string OUTPUT greeting; string; prefixed string MODULE MakeX CATEGORY Annotation DESCRIPTION draws an X INPUT input; field; (none); field to mark positions INPUT size; scalar; 1; size OUTPUT output; field; field with positions marked MODULE MakeXEfficient CATEGORY Annotation DESCRIPTION draws an X INPUT input; field; (none); field to mark positions INPUT size; scalar; 1; size OUTPUT output; field; field with positions marked MODULE ShowPick CATEGORY User DESCRIPTION sets a triangle in a picked field to a particular color INPUT input; object; (none); object which was picked in INPUT pickobject; field; (none); picking structure INPUT color; string; "red"; color to set INPUT colorwhich; integer; 0; color element (0), vertex (1) or entire field (2) INPUT poke; integer; (all); poke selection INPUT pick; integer; (all); pick selection INPUT depth; integer; (bottom); selection depth OUTPUT output; object; object with picked object marked using color