// // time: Wed Apr 9 15:45:17 1997 // // version: 3.1.1 (format), 3.1.4 (DX Beta) // // // MODULE main // CATEGORY Macros // // comment: This program demonstrates how easily Data Explorer handles position-dependent and cell-centered data. The original data that is read (the thunderstorm 51x28x16) is position-dependent. The Post module is used to generate the cell-centered data. The flexibility of the system is demonstrated by the fact that the same modules are used for either the position-dependent data or the cell-centered data. The program also illustrates the differences in the appearance of the two different types of data. // comment: // comment: The size of the scalar fields (cloudwater and temperature) is 0.1 Mbyte; the size of the vector field (wind) is 0.3 Mbyte. // comment: // comment: The program uses hierarchical control panels. The primary control panel is used to specify position-dependent or cell-centered data, the type of realization, and which data value is used for mapping. The secondary window is used to specify a scalar factor of for isosurface value when using the Include module with the cell-centered. data. // page assignment: boundary order=4, windowed=0, showing=0 // page assignment: image order=9, windowed=0, showing=0 // page assignment: import order=2, windowed=0, showing=1 // page assignment: iso order=3, windowed=0, showing=0 // page assignment: map order=8, windowed=0, showing=0 // page assignment: plane order=5, windowed=0, showing=0 // page assignment: user_choice order=6, windowed=0, showing=0 // page assignment: user_choice1 order=7, windowed=0, showing=0 // workspace: width = 583, height = 420 // layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = UL // macro main( ) -> ( ) { // // node Selector[1]: x = 153, y = 20, inputs = 7, label = Selector // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Selector_1" // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "cell-centered data" // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 29, value = 2 // input[4]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 16777248, value = { "position-dependent data" "cell-centered data" } // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 16777245, value = { 1 2 } // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0 // output[1]: visible = 1, type = 29, value = 2 // output[2]: visible = 1, type = 32, value = "cell-centered data" // page group: user_choice1 // // // node Import[1]: x = 20, y = 20, inputs = 6, label = Import // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "cloudwater" // page group: import // main_Import_1_out_1 = Import( main_Import_1_in_1, main_Import_1_in_2, main_Import_1_in_3, main_Import_1_in_4, main_Import_1_in_5, main_Import_1_in_6 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Transmitter[7]: x = 49, y = 358, inputs = 1, label = data_dep_pos // page group: import // data_dep_pos = main_Import_1_out_1; // // node Receiver[16]: x = 47, y = 43, inputs = 1, label = data_dep_pos // page group: iso // main_Receiver_16_out_1[cache: 0] = data_dep_pos; // // node Scalar[1]: x = 163, y = 38, inputs = 11, label = Scalar // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Scalar_1" // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.150000 // input[4]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0 // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.1 // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 2.0 // input[7]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.00000 // input[8]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "2" // input[9]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 2 // output[1]: visible = 1, type = 5, value = 0.150000 // page group: iso // // // node Isosurface[1]: x = 74, y = 200, inputs = 6, label = Isosurface // page group: iso // main_Isosurface_1_out_1 = Isosurface( main_Receiver_16_out_1, main_Scalar_1_out_1, main_Isosurface_1_in_3, main_Isosurface_1_in_4, main_Isosurface_1_in_5, main_Isosurface_1_in_6 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Transmitter[13]: x = 137, y = 357, inputs = 1, label = iso // page group: iso // iso = main_Isosurface_1_out_1; // // node Receiver[17]: x = 323, y = 31, inputs = 1, label = iso // page group: user_choice1 // main_Receiver_17_out_1[cache: 0] = iso; // // node Post[1]: x = 202, y = 183, inputs = 2, label = Post // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "connections" // page group: import // main_Post_1_out_1 = Post( main_Import_1_out_1, main_Post_1_in_2 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Transmitter[8]: x = 226, y = 355, inputs = 1, label = data_dep_con // page group: import // data_dep_con = main_Post_1_out_1; // // node Receiver[15]: x = 0, y = 115, inputs = 1, label = data_dep_con // page group: boundary // main_Receiver_15_out_1[cache: 0] = data_dep_con; // // node Transmitter[1]: x = 206, y = 349, inputs = 1, label = isovalue // page group: iso // isovalue = main_Scalar_1_out_1; // // node Receiver[1]: x = 121, y = 20, inputs = 1, label = isovalue // page group: boundary // main_Receiver_1_out_1[cache: 0] = isovalue; // // node Scalar[2]: x = 243, y = 31, inputs = 11, label = Scalar // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Scalar_2" // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.270000 // input[4]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0 // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.15 // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.0 // input[7]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.00000 // input[8]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "2" // input[9]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 2 // output[1]: visible = 1, type = 5, value = 0.270000 // page group: boundary // // // node Compute[1]: x = 141, y = 140, inputs = 3, label = Compute // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "$0*(1.0-$1)" // page group: boundary // expression: value = isovalue*(1.0-factor) // name[2]: value = isovalue // name[3]: value = factor // main_Compute_1_out_1 = Compute( main_Compute_1_in_1, main_Receiver_1_out_1, main_Scalar_2_out_1 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Compute[2]: x = 223, y = 136, inputs = 3, label = Compute // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "$0*(1.0+$1)" // page group: boundary // expression: value = isovalue*(1.0+factor) // name[2]: value = isovalue // name[3]: value = factor // main_Compute_2_out_1 = Compute( main_Compute_2_in_1, main_Receiver_1_out_1, main_Scalar_2_out_1 ) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; // // node Include[1]: x = 149, y = 222, inputs = 6, label = Include // page group: boundary // main_Include_1_out_1 = Include( main_Receiver_15_out_1, main_Compute_1_out_1, main_Compute_2_out_1, main_Include_1_in_4, main_Include_1_in_5, main_Include_1_in_6 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node ShowBoundary[1]: x = 135, y = 312, inputs = 2, label = ShowBoundary // page group: boundary // main_ShowBoundary_1_out_1 = ShowBoundary( main_Include_1_out_1, main_ShowBoundary_1_in_2 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node FaceNormals[1]: x = 142, y = 403, inputs = 1, label = FaceNormals // page group: boundary // main_FaceNormals_1_out_1 = FaceNormals( main_ShowBoundary_1_out_1 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Transmitter[14]: x = 172, y = 509, inputs = 1, label = boundary // page group: boundary // boundary = main_FaceNormals_1_out_1; // // node Receiver[18]: x = 381, y = 34, inputs = 1, label = boundary // page group: user_choice1 // main_Receiver_18_out_1[cache: 0] = boundary; // // node Switch[1]: x = 305, y = 304, inputs = 3, label = Switch // page group: user_choice1 // main_Switch_1_out_1 = Switch( main_Selector_1_out_1, main_Receiver_17_out_1, main_Receiver_18_out_1 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Transmitter[12]: x = 297, y = 440, inputs = 1, label = iso_or_boundary // page group: user_choice1 // iso_or_boundary = main_Switch_1_out_1; // // node Receiver[14]: x = 20, y = 20, inputs = 1, label = iso_or_boundary // page group: map // main_Receiver_14_out_1[cache: 0] = iso_or_boundary; // // node Transmitter[2]: x = 14, y = 431, inputs = 1, label = choice // page group: user_choice1 // choice = main_Selector_1_out_1; // // node Receiver[2]: x = 1662, y = 293, inputs = 1, label = choice // page group: image // main_Receiver_2_out_1[cache: 0] = choice; // // node Selector[3]: x = 1423, y = 144, inputs = 7, label = Selector // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Selector_3" // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "temperature" // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 29, value = 1 // input[4]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 16777248, value = { "temperature" "wind" } // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 16777245, value = { 1 2 } // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0 // output[1]: visible = 1, type = 29, value = 1 // output[2]: visible = 1, type = 32, value = "temperature" // page group: image // // // node Import[2]: x = 1387, y = 31, inputs = 6, label = Import // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "temperature" // page group: image // main_Import_2_out_1 = Import( main_Import_2_in_1, main_Import_2_in_2, main_Import_2_in_3, main_Import_2_in_4, main_Import_2_in_5, main_Import_2_in_6 ) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; // // node Import[3]: x = 1634, y = 28, inputs = 6, label = Import // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "wind" // page group: image // main_Import_3_out_1 = Import( main_Import_3_in_1, main_Import_3_in_2, main_Import_3_in_3, main_Import_3_in_4, main_Import_3_in_5, main_Import_3_in_6 ) [instance: 3, cache: 1]; // // node Switch[6]: x = 1587, y = 155, inputs = 3, label = Switch // page group: image // main_Switch_6_out_1 = Switch( main_Selector_3_out_1, main_Import_2_out_1, main_Import_3_out_1 ) [instance: 6, cache: 1]; // // node Post[2]: x = 1776, y = 302, inputs = 2, label = Post // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "connections" // page group: image // main_Post_2_out_1 = Post( main_Switch_6_out_1, main_Post_2_in_2 ) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; // // node Switch[2]: x = 1706, y = 425, inputs = 3, label = Switch // page group: image // main_Switch_2_out_1 = Switch( main_Receiver_2_out_1, main_Switch_6_out_1, main_Post_2_out_1 ) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; // // node Transmitter[3]: x = 1694, y = 521, inputs = 1, label = data_to_map // page group: image // data_to_map = main_Switch_2_out_1; // // node Receiver[4]: x = 158, y = 32, inputs = 1, label = data_to_map // page group: map // main_Receiver_4_out_1[cache: 0] = data_to_map; // // node Map[1]: x = 122, y = 133, inputs = 4, label = Map // page group: map // main_Map_1_out_1 = Map( main_Receiver_14_out_1, main_Receiver_4_out_1, main_Map_1_in_3, main_Map_1_in_4 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node AutoColor[1]: x = 107, y = 228, inputs = 10, label = AutoColor // page group: map // main_AutoColor_1_out_1, main_AutoColor_1_out_2 = AutoColor( main_Map_1_out_1, main_AutoColor_1_in_2, main_AutoColor_1_in_3, main_AutoColor_1_in_4, main_AutoColor_1_in_5, main_AutoColor_1_in_6, main_AutoColor_1_in_7, main_AutoColor_1_in_8, main_AutoColor_1_in_9, main_AutoColor_1_in_10 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Receiver[10]: x = 12, y = 24, inputs = 1, label = choice // page group: plane // main_Receiver_10_out_1[cache: 0] = choice; // // node Receiver[9]: x = 101, y = 20, inputs = 1, label = data_dep_pos // page group: plane // main_Receiver_9_out_1[cache: 0] = data_dep_pos; // // node Receiver[8]: x = 239, y = 25, inputs = 1, label = data_dep_con // page group: plane // main_Receiver_8_out_1[cache: 0] = data_dep_con; // // node Switch[5]: x = 140, y = 176, inputs = 3, label = Switch // page group: plane // main_Switch_5_out_1 = Switch( main_Receiver_10_out_1, main_Receiver_9_out_1, main_Receiver_8_out_1 ) [instance: 5, cache: 1]; // // node MapToPlane[1]: x = 168, y = 269, inputs = 3, label = MapToPlane // page group: plane // main_MapToPlane_1_out_1 = MapToPlane( main_Switch_5_out_1, main_MapToPlane_1_in_2, main_MapToPlane_1_in_3 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node AutoColor[2]: x = 153, y = 364, inputs = 10, label = AutoColor // page group: plane // main_AutoColor_2_out_1, main_AutoColor_2_out_2 = AutoColor( main_MapToPlane_1_out_1, main_AutoColor_2_in_2, main_AutoColor_2_in_3, main_AutoColor_2_in_4, main_AutoColor_2_in_5, main_AutoColor_2_in_6, main_AutoColor_2_in_7, main_AutoColor_2_in_8, main_AutoColor_2_in_9, main_AutoColor_2_in_10 ) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; // // node Selector[2]: x = 20, y = 20, inputs = 7, label = Selector // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Selector_2" // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "isosurface" // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 29, value = 1 // input[4]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 16777248, value = { "isosurface" "slice" } // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 16777245, value = { 1 2 } // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0 // output[1]: visible = 1, type = 29, value = 1 // output[2]: visible = 1, type = 32, value = "isosurface" // page group: user_choice // // // node Transmitter[11]: x = 35, y = 230, inputs = 1, label = iso_or_plane // page group: user_choice // iso_or_plane = main_Selector_2_out_1; // // node Receiver[13]: x = 1391, y = 279, inputs = 1, label = iso_or_plane // page group: image // main_Receiver_13_out_1[cache: 0] = iso_or_plane; // // node Format[1]: x = 1531, y = 268, inputs = 2, label = Format // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "isosurface of cloudwater density; colors represent %s" // page group: image // main_Format_1_out_1 = Format( main_Format_1_in_1, main_Selector_3_out_2 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Switch[7]: x = 1516, y = 383, inputs = 3, label = Switch // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 16777248, value = {"colors represent cloudwater"} // page group: image // main_Switch_7_out_1 = Switch( main_Receiver_13_out_1, main_Format_1_out_1, main_Switch_7_in_3 ) [instance: 7, cache: 1]; // // node Transmitter[10]: x = 1539, y = 512, inputs = 1, label = colors_caption // page group: image // colors_caption = main_Switch_7_out_1; // // node Receiver[12]: x = 172, y = 272, inputs = 1, label = colors_caption // page group: user_choice1 // main_Receiver_12_out_1[cache: 0] = colors_caption; // // node List[1]: x = 105, y = 343, inputs = 2, label = List // page group: user_choice1 // main_List_1_out_1 = List( main_Selector_1_out_2, main_Receiver_12_out_1 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Transmitter[4]: x = 128, y = 440, inputs = 1, label = caption // page group: user_choice1 // caption = main_List_1_out_1; // // node Receiver[5]: x = 42, y = 12, inputs = 1, label = caption // page group: image // main_Receiver_5_out_1[cache: 0] = caption; // // node List[2]: x = 36, y = 127, inputs = 2, label = List // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 16777248, value = {"Data Courtesy of NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"} // page group: image // main_List_2_out_1 = List( main_Receiver_5_out_1, main_List_2_in_2 ) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; // // node Caption[1]: x = 59, y = 206, inputs = 9, label = Caption // input[6]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 1, value = 18 // page group: image // main_Caption_1_out_1 = Caption( main_List_2_out_1, main_Caption_1_in_2, main_Caption_1_in_3, main_Caption_1_in_4, main_Caption_1_in_5, main_Caption_1_in_6, main_Caption_1_in_7, main_Caption_1_in_8, main_Caption_1_in_9 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Receiver[19]: x = 174, y = 22, inputs = 1, label = iso_or_plane // page group: image // main_Receiver_19_out_1[cache: 0] = iso_or_plane; // // node Transmitter[6]: x = 89, y = 385, inputs = 1, label = mapped_iso // page group: map // mapped_iso = main_AutoColor_1_out_1; // // node Receiver[7]: x = 323, y = 41, inputs = 1, label = mapped_iso // page group: image // main_Receiver_7_out_1[cache: 0] = mapped_iso; // // node Shade[5]: x = 182, y = 456, inputs = 7, label = Shade // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 3, value = 0 // page group: plane // main_Shade_5_out_1 = Shade( main_AutoColor_2_out_1, main_Shade_5_in_2, main_Shade_5_in_3, main_Shade_5_in_4, main_Shade_5_in_5, main_Shade_5_in_6, main_Shade_5_in_7 ) [instance: 5, cache: 1]; // // node Transmitter[9]: x = 195, y = 555, inputs = 1, label = maptoplane // page group: plane // maptoplane = main_Shade_5_out_1; // // node Receiver[11]: x = 422, y = 40, inputs = 1, label = maptoplane // page group: image // main_Receiver_11_out_1[cache: 0] = maptoplane; // // node Switch[4]: x = 221, y = 203, inputs = 3, label = Switch // page group: image // main_Switch_4_out_1 = Switch( main_Receiver_19_out_1, main_Receiver_7_out_1, main_Receiver_11_out_1 ) [instance: 4, cache: 1]; // // node Collect[1]: x = 147, y = 322, inputs = 2, label = Collect // page group: image // main_Collect_1_out_1 = Collect( main_Caption_1_out_1, main_Switch_4_out_1 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Image[3]: x = 173, y = 497, inputs = 48, label = Image // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 67108863, value = "Image_3" // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1 // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [50000 7750 27000] // input[6]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [-29115.1 60431.9 262859] // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 136275.0 // input[8]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 640 // input[9]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.75 // input[10]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [0.0325374 0.977701 -0.207467] // input[11]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 30.0002 // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 0 // input[14]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1 // input[15]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none" // input[16]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none" // input[17]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1 // input[18]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1 // input[19]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0 // input[29]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0 // page group: image // depth: value = 24 // window: position = (0.3438,0.0791), size = 0.5109x0.5117 // internal caching: 1 // main_Image_3_out_1, main_Image_3_out_2, main_Image_3_out_3 = Image( main_Image_3_in_1, main_Collect_1_out_1, main_Image_3_in_3, main_Image_3_in_4, main_Image_3_in_5, main_Image_3_in_6, main_Image_3_in_7, main_Image_3_in_8, main_Image_3_in_9, main_Image_3_in_10, main_Image_3_in_11, main_Image_3_in_12, main_Image_3_in_13, main_Image_3_in_14, main_Image_3_in_15, main_Image_3_in_16, main_Image_3_in_17, main_Image_3_in_18, main_Image_3_in_19, main_Image_3_in_20, main_Image_3_in_21, main_Image_3_in_22, main_Image_3_in_23, main_Image_3_in_24, main_Image_3_in_25, main_Image_3_in_26, main_Image_3_in_27, main_Image_3_in_28, main_Image_3_in_29, main_Image_3_in_30, main_Image_3_in_31, main_Image_3_in_32, main_Image_3_in_33, main_Image_3_in_34, main_Image_3_in_35, main_Image_3_in_36, main_Image_3_in_37, main_Image_3_in_38, main_Image_3_in_39, main_Image_3_in_40, main_Image_3_in_41, main_Image_3_in_42, main_Image_3_in_43, main_Image_3_in_44, main_Image_3_in_45, main_Image_3_in_46, main_Image_3_in_47, main_Image_3_in_48 ) [instance: 3, cache: 1]; // // decorator Annotate pos=(193,61) size=390x44 style(Label), font=bold, value = // annotation user_begin: 103 // annotation user: This page imports some data then uses Post to make it // annotation user: "dep connections" (cell-centered) for comparison. // annotation user_end: // page group: import // // decorator Annotate pos=(277,110) size=231x28 style(Label), font=bold, value = // annotation user_begin: 31 // annotation user: This page creates an isosurface // annotation user_end: // page group: iso // // decorator Annotate pos=(311,77) size=326x44 style(Label), font=bold, value = // annotation user_begin: 56 // annotation user: this page creates region within "factor" of the // annotation user: isovalue // annotation user_end: // page group: boundary // // decorator Annotate pos=(242,168) size=380x28 style(Label), font=bold, value = // annotation user_begin: 54 // annotation user: This page creates a cutting plane of the selected data // annotation user_end: // page group: plane // // decorator Annotate pos=(136,54) size=475x28 style(Label), font=bold, value = // annotation user_begin: 68 // annotation user: This page allows the user to choose either a 3D or 2D visualization. // annotation user_end: // page group: user_choice // // decorator Annotate pos=(150,305) size=461x28 style(Label), font=bold, value = // annotation user_begin: 63 // annotation user: Map another variable onto the isosurface or boundary and color. // annotation user_end: // page group: map // // decorator Annotate pos=(323,262) size=126x28 style(Label), font=bold, value = // annotation user_begin: 16 // annotation user: create the image // annotation user_end: // page group: image // network: end of macro body CacheScene("Image_3", main_Image_3_out_1, main_Image_3_out_2); } main_Selector_1_in_1 = "Selector_1"; main_Selector_1_in_2 = "cell-centered data" ; main_Selector_1_in_3 = 2 ; main_Selector_1_in_4 = NULL; main_Selector_1_in_5 = NULL; main_Selector_1_in_6 = NULL; main_Selector_1_in_7 = NULL; main_Selector_1_out_1 = 2 ; main_Selector_1_out_2 = "cell-centered data" ; main_Import_1_in_1 = "cloudwater"; main_Import_1_in_2 = NULL; main_Import_1_in_3 = NULL; main_Import_1_in_4 = NULL; main_Import_1_in_5 = NULL; main_Import_1_in_6 = NULL; main_Import_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_7_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_16_out_1 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_in_1 = "Scalar_1"; main_Scalar_1_in_2 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_in_3 = 0.150000; main_Scalar_1_in_4 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_in_5 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_in_6 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_in_7 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_in_8 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_in_9 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_in_10 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_in_11 = NULL; main_Scalar_1_out_1 = 0.150000; main_Isosurface_1_in_3 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_in_4 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_in_5 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_in_6 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_13_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_17_out_1 = NULL; main_Post_1_in_2 = "connections"; main_Post_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_8_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_15_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_in_1 = "Scalar_2"; main_Scalar_2_in_2 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_in_3 = 0.270000; main_Scalar_2_in_4 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_in_5 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_in_6 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_in_7 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_in_8 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_in_9 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_in_10 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_in_11 = NULL; main_Scalar_2_out_1 = 0.270000; main_Compute_1_in_1 = "$0*(1.0-$1)"; main_Compute_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Compute_2_in_1 = "$0*(1.0+$1)"; main_Compute_2_out_1 = NULL; main_Include_1_in_4 = NULL; main_Include_1_in_5 = NULL; main_Include_1_in_6 = NULL; main_Include_1_out_1 = NULL; main_ShowBoundary_1_in_2 = NULL; main_ShowBoundary_1_out_1 = NULL; main_FaceNormals_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_14_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_18_out_1 = NULL; main_Switch_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_12_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_14_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_2_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_2_out_1 = NULL; main_Selector_3_in_1 = "Selector_3"; main_Selector_3_in_2 = "temperature" ; main_Selector_3_in_3 = 1 ; main_Selector_3_in_4 = NULL; main_Selector_3_in_5 = NULL; main_Selector_3_in_6 = NULL; main_Selector_3_in_7 = NULL; main_Selector_3_out_1 = 1 ; main_Selector_3_out_2 = "temperature" ; main_Import_2_in_1 = "temperature"; main_Import_2_in_2 = NULL; main_Import_2_in_3 = NULL; main_Import_2_in_4 = NULL; main_Import_2_in_5 = NULL; main_Import_2_in_6 = NULL; main_Import_2_out_1 = NULL; main_Import_3_in_1 = "wind"; main_Import_3_in_2 = NULL; main_Import_3_in_3 = NULL; main_Import_3_in_4 = NULL; main_Import_3_in_5 = NULL; main_Import_3_in_6 = NULL; main_Import_3_out_1 = NULL; main_Switch_6_out_1 = NULL; main_Post_2_in_2 = "connections"; main_Post_2_out_1 = NULL; main_Switch_2_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_3_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_4_out_1 = NULL; main_Map_1_in_3 = NULL; main_Map_1_in_4 = NULL; main_Map_1_out_1 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_in_2 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_in_3 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_in_4 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_in_5 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_in_6 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_in_7 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_in_8 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_in_9 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_in_10 = NULL; main_AutoColor_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_10_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_9_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_8_out_1 = NULL; main_Switch_5_out_1 = NULL; main_MapToPlane_1_in_2 = NULL; main_MapToPlane_1_in_3 = NULL; main_MapToPlane_1_out_1 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_in_2 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_in_3 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_in_4 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_in_5 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_in_6 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_in_7 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_in_8 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_in_9 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_in_10 = NULL; main_AutoColor_2_out_1 = NULL; main_Selector_2_in_1 = "Selector_2"; main_Selector_2_in_2 = "isosurface" ; main_Selector_2_in_3 = 1 ; main_Selector_2_in_4 = NULL; main_Selector_2_in_5 = NULL; main_Selector_2_in_6 = NULL; main_Selector_2_in_7 = NULL; main_Selector_2_out_1 = 1 ; main_Transmitter_11_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_13_out_1 = NULL; main_Format_1_in_1 = "isosurface of cloudwater density; colors represent %s"; main_Format_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Switch_7_in_3 = {"colors represent cloudwater"}; main_Switch_7_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_10_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_12_out_1 = NULL; main_List_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_4_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_5_out_1 = NULL; main_List_2_in_2 = {"Data Courtesy of NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"}; main_List_2_out_1 = NULL; main_Caption_1_in_2 = NULL; main_Caption_1_in_3 = NULL; main_Caption_1_in_4 = NULL; main_Caption_1_in_5 = NULL; main_Caption_1_in_6 = 18; main_Caption_1_in_7 = NULL; main_Caption_1_in_8 = NULL; main_Caption_1_in_9 = NULL; main_Caption_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_19_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_6_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_7_out_1 = NULL; main_Shade_5_in_2 = 0; main_Shade_5_in_3 = NULL; main_Shade_5_in_4 = NULL; main_Shade_5_in_5 = NULL; main_Shade_5_in_6 = NULL; main_Shade_5_in_7 = NULL; main_Shade_5_out_1 = NULL; main_Transmitter_9_out_1 = NULL; main_Receiver_11_out_1 = NULL; main_Switch_4_out_1 = NULL; main_Collect_1_out_1 = NULL; macro Image( id, object, where, useVector, to, from, width, resolution, aspect, up, viewAngle, perspective, options, buttonState = 1, buttonUpApprox = "none", buttonDownApprox = "none", buttonUpDensity = 1, buttonDownDensity = 1, renderMode = 0, defaultCamera, reset, backgroundColor, throttle, RECenable = 0, RECfile, RECformat, RECresolution, RECaspect, AAenable = 0, AAlabels, AAticks, AAcorners, AAframe, AAadjust, AAcursor, AAgrid, AAcolors, AAannotation, AAlabelscale, AAfont, interactionMode, title, AAxTickLocs, AAyTickLocs, AAzTickLocs, AAxTickLabels, AAyTickLabels, AAzTickLabels) -> ( object, camera, where) { ImageMessage( id, backgroundColor, throttle, RECenable, RECfile, RECformat, RECresolution, RECaspect, AAenable, AAlabels, AAticks, AAcorners, AAframe, AAadjust, AAcursor, AAgrid, AAcolors, AAannotation, AAlabelscale, AAfont, AAxTickLocs, AAyTickLocs, AAzTickLocs, AAxTickLabels, AAyTickLabels, AAzTickLabels, interactionMode, title, renderMode, buttonUpApprox, buttonDownApprox, buttonUpDensity, buttonDownDensity) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; autoCamera = AutoCamera( object, "front", object, resolution, aspect, [0,1,0], perspective, viewAngle, backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; realCamera = Camera( to, from, width, resolution, aspect, up, perspective, viewAngle, backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; coloredDefaultCamera = UpdateCamera(defaultCamera, background=backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; nullDefaultCamera = Inquire(defaultCamera, "is null + 1") [instance: 1, cache: 1]; resetCamera = Switch( nullDefaultCamera, coloredDefaultCamera, autoCamera) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; resetNull = Inquire( reset, "is null + 1") [instance: 2, cache: 1]; reset = Switch( resetNull, reset, 0) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; whichCamera = Compute( "($0 != 0 || $1 == 0) ? 1 : 2", reset, useVector) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; camera = Switch( whichCamera, resetCamera, realCamera) [instance: 3, cache: 1]; AAobject = AutoAxes( object, camera, AAlabels, AAticks, AAcorners, AAframe, AAadjust, AAcursor, AAgrid, AAcolors, AAannotation, AAlabelscale, AAfont, AAxTickLocs, AAyTickLocs, AAzTickLocs, AAxTickLabels, AAyTickLabels, AAzTickLabels) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; switchAAenable = Compute("$0+1", AAenable) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; object = Switch( switchAAenable, object, AAobject) [instance:4, cache: 1]; SWapproximation_options = Switch( buttonState, buttonUpApprox, buttonDownApprox) [instance: 5, cache: 1]; SWdensity_options = Switch( buttonState, buttonUpDensity, buttonDownDensity) [instance: 6, cache: 1]; HWapproximation_options = Format( "%s,%s", buttonDownApprox, buttonUpApprox) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; HWdensity_options = Format( "%d,%d", buttonDownDensity, buttonUpDensity) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; switchRenderMode = Compute( "$0+1", renderMode) [instance: 3, cache: 1]; approximation_options = Switch( switchRenderMode, SWapproximation_options, HWapproximation_options) [instance: 7, cache: 1]; density_options = Switch( switchRenderMode, SWdensity_options, HWdensity_options) [instance: 8, cache: 1]; renderModeString = Switch( switchRenderMode, "software", "hardware")[instance: 9, cache: 1]; object_tag = Inquire( object, "object tag")[instance: 3, cache: 1]; annoted_object = Options( object, "send boxes", 0, "cache", 1, "object tag", object_tag, "ddcamera", whichCamera, "rendering approximation", approximation_options, "render every", density_options, "button state", buttonState, "rendering mode", renderModeString) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; RECresNull = Inquire( RECresolution, "is null + 1") [instance: 4, cache: 1]; ImageResolution = Inquire( camera, "camera resolution") [instance: 5, cache: 1]; RECresolution = Switch( RECresNull, RECresolution, ImageResolution) [instance: 10, cache: 1]; RECaspectNull = Inquire( RECaspect, "is null + 1") [instance: 6, cache: 1]; ImageAspect = Inquire( camera, "camera aspect") [instance: 7, cache: 1]; RECaspect = Switch( RECaspectNull, RECaspect, ImageAspect) [instance: 11, cache: 1]; switchRECenable = Compute( "$0 == 0 ? 1 : (($2 == $3) && ($4 == $5)) ? ($1 == 1 ? 2 : 3) : 4", RECenable, switchRenderMode, RECresolution, ImageResolution, RECaspect, ImageAspect) [instance: 4, cache: 1]; NoRECobject, RECNoRerenderObject, RECNoRerHW, RECRerenderObject = Route(switchRECenable, annoted_object); Display( NoRECobject, camera, where, throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; image = Render( RECNoRerenderObject, camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; Display( image, NULL, where, throttle) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; WriteImage( image, RECfile, RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; rec_where = Display( RECNoRerHW, camera, where, throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 0]; rec_image = ReadImageWindow( rec_where) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; WriteImage( rec_image, RECfile, RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; RECupdateCamera = UpdateCamera( camera, resolution=RECresolution, aspect=RECaspect) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; Display( RECRerenderObject, camera, where, throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; RECRerenderObject = ScaleScreen( RECRerenderObject, NULL, RECresolution, camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; image = Render( RECRerenderObject, RECupdateCamera) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; WriteImage( image, RECfile, RECformat) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; } main_Image_3_in_1 = "Image_3"; main_Image_3_in_3 = "X24,,"; main_Image_3_in_4 = 1; main_Image_3_in_5 = [50000 7750 27000]; main_Image_3_in_6 = [-29115.1 60431.9 262859]; main_Image_3_in_7 = 136275.0; main_Image_3_in_8 = 640; main_Image_3_in_9 = 0.75; main_Image_3_in_10 = [0.0325374 0.977701 -0.207467]; main_Image_3_in_11 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_12 = 0; main_Image_3_in_13 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_14 = 1; main_Image_3_in_15 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_16 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_17 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_18 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_19 = 0; main_Image_3_in_20 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_21 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_22 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_23 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_25 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_26 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_27 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_28 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_29 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_30 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_31 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_32 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_33 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_34 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_35 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_36 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_37 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_38 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_39 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_40 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_41 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_42 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_43 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_44 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_45 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_46 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_47 = NULL; main_Image_3_in_48 = NULL; Executive("product version 3 1 4"); $sync main();