// // time: Wed Apr 9 15:48:27 1997 // // version: 3.1.1 (format), 3.1.4 (DX Beta) // // // MODULE main // // comment: In this visual program, Verify is used twice. On the left, it simply passes through its input, as the input is a valid field. On the right, it produces an error, because we have inserted a non-sensensical set of connections into the isosurface field. // workspace: width = 313, height = 520 // layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = UL // macro main( ) -> ( ) { // // node Import[1]: x = 62, y = 59, inputs = 6, label = Import // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "watermolecule" // main_Import_1_out_1 = Import( main_Import_1_in_1, main_Import_1_in_2, main_Import_1_in_3, main_Import_1_in_4, main_Import_1_in_5, main_Import_1_in_6 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Isosurface[1]: x = 71, y = 186, inputs = 6, label = Isosurface // main_Isosurface_1_out_1 = Isosurface( main_Import_1_out_1, main_Isosurface_1_in_2, main_Isosurface_1_in_3, main_Isosurface_1_in_4, main_Isosurface_1_in_5, main_Isosurface_1_in_6 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Verify[1]: x = 48, y = 327, inputs = 2, label = Verify // main_Verify_1_out_1 = Verify( main_Isosurface_1_out_1, main_Verify_1_in_2 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Print[1]: x = 77, y = 430, inputs = 3, label = Print // Print( main_Verify_1_out_1, main_Print_1_in_2, main_Print_1_in_3 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Replace[1]: x = 202, y = 296, inputs = 4, label = Replace // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 16777245, value = {[-199 0 399][-2 3 4]} // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "connections" // main_Replace_1_out_1 = Replace( main_Replace_1_in_1, main_Isosurface_1_out_1, main_Replace_1_in_3, main_Replace_1_in_4 ) [instance: 1, cache: 1]; // // node Verify[2]: x = 222, y = 374, inputs = 2, label = Verify // main_Verify_2_out_1 = Verify( main_Replace_1_out_1, main_Verify_2_in_2 ) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; // // node Print[2]: x = 241, y = 458, inputs = 3, label = Print // Print( main_Verify_2_out_1, main_Print_2_in_2, main_Print_2_in_3 ) [instance: 2, cache: 1]; // network: end of macro body } main_Import_1_in_1 = "watermolecule"; main_Import_1_in_2 = NULL; main_Import_1_in_3 = NULL; main_Import_1_in_4 = NULL; main_Import_1_in_5 = NULL; main_Import_1_in_6 = NULL; main_Import_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_in_2 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_in_3 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_in_4 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_in_5 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_in_6 = NULL; main_Isosurface_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Verify_1_in_2 = NULL; main_Verify_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Print_1_in_2 = NULL; main_Print_1_in_3 = NULL; main_Replace_1_in_1 = {[-199 0 399][-2 3 4]}; main_Replace_1_in_3 = NULL; main_Replace_1_in_4 = "connections"; main_Replace_1_out_1 = NULL; main_Verify_2_in_2 = NULL; main_Verify_2_out_1 = NULL; main_Print_2_in_2 = NULL; main_Print_2_in_3 = NULL; Executive("product version 3 1 4"); $sync main();