// Import the data file, in which the field has 2 attributes attached to it. data = Import("datawithattribute.dx"); // Show the connections of the field and autocolor them connections = ShowConnections(data); colored = AutoColor(connections); // Create a camera camera = AutoCamera(colored,"off-front"); // extract the attributes. "date" was the user-defined name for the date // attribute in the data file, and "source" was the user-defined name for // the source of the data. The returned values in attrdate and attrsource // are strings. // // The attributes can be used to caption the image. attrdate = Attribute(data,"date"); attrsource = Attribute(data,"source"); attrsource = Format("data source: %s", attrsource); attributelist = List(attrdate, attrsource); caption = Caption(attributelist); // Collect the caption with the image and Display. colored = AutoAxes(colored,camera); collected = Collect(caption,colored); Display(collected,camera);