// Import data electrondensity = Import("watermolecule"); // Partition the data electrondensity = Partition(electrondensity); // Create about 200 sample points sampled = Sample(electrondensity,200); // Color the samples mapped = AutoColor(sampled); // Create a camera camera = AutoCamera(mapped,"off-diagonal", resolution = 500, aspect = 1); // Create glyphs. By default the smallest will be 5 percent the size of // the largest (ratio = 0.05, and min = data min) glyphs = AutoGlyph(mapped); Display(glyphs,camera); // This time, make all the glyphs the same size glyphs = AutoGlyph(mapped, ratio = 1); Display(glyphs,camera); // This time, make the glyphs proportionally sized glyphs = AutoGlyph(mapped, ratio = 0, min=0); Display(glyphs,camera); // Take the gradient of the field grad = Gradient(electrondensity); // Map the gradient field onto the samples mapped = Map(sampled,grad); // Create glyphs. These will be vector glyphs, five times as long as // the default length glyphs = AutoGlyph(mapped,scale=5, type="needle"); Display(glyphs,camera); // Create text glyphs from a set of sample points plane = MapToPlane(electrondensity); samples = Sample(plane,15); dots = AutoGlyph(samples, scale = 0.1, ratio=1); textglyphs = AutoGlyph(samples,"text"); textglyphs = Color(textglyphs,"red"); box = ShowBox(electrondensity); collected = Collect(box,textglyphs, dots); Display(collected, camera);