// Import the data electrondensity = Import("watermolecule"); // Partition the data electrondensity = Partition(electrondensity); // Create a camera camera = AutoCamera(electrondensity,"off-front"); // Create an isosurface at a value of 0.3 iso = Isosurface(electrondensity,0.3); // Give the isosurface an opacity of 0.3 iso = Color(iso,opacity=0.3); // Create a maptoplane through the data plane = MapToPlane(electrondensity); // Color the plane plane = AutoColor(plane); // create a bounding box and color it spring green box = ShowBox(electrondensity); box = Color(box,"spring green"); // Collect the plane with the isosurface with the box and display collected = Collect(plane,iso,box); Display(collected,camera);