// In this example, a list of numbers between 0 and 12 is created. There // are three values in the list: 0, 6, and 12. start = 0; end = 12; counts = 3; enumerate_list = Enumerate(start, end, counts); Echo("start= ",start, "end = ", end, "counts = ", counts); Echo("list = ", enumerate_list); Echo(" "); // In this example, a list of vectors beginning at [0 0 0] and extending // to [12 15 18] is created. There are 3 values in the list: // [0 0 0], [6 7 9] and [12 15 18]. start = [0 0 0]; end = [12 15 18]; counts = 3; enumerate_list = Enumerate(start, end, counts); Echo("start= ",start, "end = ", end, "counts = ", counts); Echo("list = ", enumerate_list); Echo(" "); // In this example, a list of vectors beginning at [0 0 0] for 3 counts // is created. The delta vector is specified as [3 4 5]. // There are three values in the list: // [0 0 0], [3 4 5], and [6 8 10]. start = [0 0 0]; delta = [3 4 5]; counts = 3; enumerate_list = Enumerate(start, NULL, counts, delta); Echo("start= ",start, "delta = ", delta, "counts = ", counts); Echo("list = ", enumerate_list); Echo(" ");